[center][h2][color=yellowgreen]Yamato Ogawa[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Today was the first day back in class after the Sports Festival and Yamato was still reeling over his humiliating showing. The lumbering dinosaur adorned by a leather jacket was grumbling to himself as he slowly wandered down the Eirei hallways, ignoring the occasional passerby that tended to instinctively give him space. At his normal, mostly upright posture for walking he was easily twice the height of most the students that got out of his way. Standing like this his tail would drag across the ground if he didn't lift it deliberately, letting it lightly sway with every step he took and creating yet another obstacle for those around him to be wary of. [i][color=yellowgreen]Man, I don't know how I'm going to face these guys after all that,[/color][/i] he thought to himself with a huff. [i][color=yellowgreen]Jun ended up winning the whole thing so maybe everyone will be caught up in that and pay me no mind. Yes, that could work...[/color][/i] But deep down he knew that people [i]never[/i] paid him no mind. Fact of the matter is that Yamato was the [i]only[/i] member of 1B to drop out of the Sports Festival in the very first round. There were too many factors against him and he had no chances to shine. No opportunities to put on a show, to fight in the second or third rounds for prestige. [i][color=yellowgreen]If I could've made it to the end, I bet I could've been the one to win it all. Stupid rope...[/color][/i] Yamato grimaced as he turned towards a nearby stairwell. He began ascending the stairs, his massive legs clearing many steps with each movement but the steps themselves were so small that he had to effectively balance on the tips of his toes as he climbed. Something that most people never had to think about, but through sheer determination and exposure Yamato had been able to overcome. As he met the turn of the staircase he found another student descending. They had a brief moment of panic on their face before they recognized the beast before them as one of their classmates, letting out a sigh before squeezing past Yamato to continue their flight down. But Yamato stopped and looked down after them as they left. [i][color=yellowgreen]Wait a moment, where is he going? Class is the other way and I know its already started.[/color][/i] He continued up the rest of the stairs and began walking down his most familiar hallway. As he approached 1B he could see more students leaving through the door. A curious development but one that didn't bode well. Surely the class wasn't in trouble, right? Jun won the whole Sports Festival! And the rest of the class did fantastic too! Yamato leaned forward as he approached his classroom, making sure his head was low enough to clear the doorway (out of respect for the poor door that he had destroyed once before already). When the door opened next a student that happened to be leaving was met with the visage of a maw full of dagger-like teeth. The heart attack subsided quickly and the student bolted underneath Yamato's head and out into the hallway, but Yamato paid no mind to this student's reaction to his unintentional jumpscare. Instead he politely waited for them to be out of his way before he squeezed his way into the classroom. And boy, he must've missed something because it looked like nearly everybody had left! And their teacher was replaced by the 1A teacher! Yamato was oblivious to the speech he had just missed, as well as the chaos that had gone on just before that too. [color=yellowgreen]"Uh, hey guys,"[/color] he greeted as he entered, stopping to take a look around once he was mostly through the door. Unfortunately, as he had lowered his posture, he didn't quite realize his tail was still blocking a good portion of the doorway. This blocked it from closing but also mostly blocked anyone else from leaving, for the moment. He recognized Ravens, but he never really talked to him before. He only knew of him, and not much at that. But already he picked up that the guy was being a hardass and something unfortunate just happened to the class. [color=yellowgreen]"Sorry I'm late, what'd I miss?"[/color] Before a concise answer could've came his way the American girl, Mia, began a speech. For a second Yamato was confused, as he thought she was also 1A. But considering the 1A teacher was here too he didn't think about that part too much. Instead: he listened. And boy it was a fiery speech. [i][color=yellowgreen]I definitely missed something rough.[/color][/i] Talk of detention, prejudice, civil disobedience? Yamato was stunned at Mia's speech, mouth slightly agape as he watched in shock at the way she talked to Shimura. He wasn't a psychic but her righteous indignation seemed pretty legit, almost infectious. He kept his eyes on her as she transformed into a cloud of flower petals and floated across the room, past Yamato, and out the door. The door! Having realized his impoliteness by obstructing it he finally took a few more steps into the classroom, just enough for his tail to clear the doorway and allowing more than enough room for anyone to pass. He felt like he needed a moment to process what all he just witnessed, but faster than he could think he opened his mouth. [color=yellowgreen]"Wait, so do [i]I[/i] have detention?"[/color] He knew he was being funny, and if he didn't have a detention before all things considered he definitely had one now. But he didn't know what else to say other than a joke! Apparently this teacher was so much of a jerk that he basically emotionally defeated the entire class and put it on the verge of mutiny. [color=yellowgreen]"I just got here, man."[/color]