[hider=Naz-Riani][center] [color=7bcdc8][i][b][h3]Naz'Riani LaReina - "Spectralla/Black Flower"[/h3][/b][/i][/color] [sub][b]22 yrs [color=7bcdc8]⭒[/color] 5'9" [color=7bcdc8]⭒[/color] 130lbs [color=7bcdc8]⭒[/color] Brown Skin [color=7bcdc8]⭒[/color] Green Eyes [color=7bcdc8]⭒[/color] Black Hair [color=7bcdc8]⭒[/color] Toned, Athletic Build Human [color=7bcdc8]⭒[/color] Lunaris [color=7bcdc8]⭒[/color] Minstrel (former Criminal) [color=7bcdc8]⭒[/color] Shadow and Psychic Magic[/b][/sub] [img] https://i.ibb.co/9vhMzF5/Dances.jpg[/img][/center] [sub][color=7bcdc8][b][u]APPEARANCE:[/u][/b][/color] Soft smiles from full lips, heavy lashed and half-lidded green eyes, quiet slinky steps, a wiggle in the hips when walking, a gently raised bare brown shoulder shrug, a dancers pose here a vixens lean there. This is Naz as she was known to be. Bright flowing dresses or skin tight outfits showing off her milk chocolate skin in all its glory was her signature look. Flowing with scintilating jewelry from suitors and hanger-ons she adorned herself. When possible she would walk bare-foot everywhere, leaving her scent of spice and jasmine, jewelry tinkling in rhythim as she traipsed on. Then there is the longing look in those green eyes. Sullen and no longer strongly posing in a her feminine glory. She watches from the closet as love passes her by. And so in DawnHaven, she has lost those fantabulous outfits. All she is left with is what is on her back. That does not mean she cannot sew new outfits from the refuse and cast offs of others. A little bright dye doesn't hurt either. [/sub] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/zPpByxm/Dancey.jpg[/img][/center] [sub] [color=7bcdc8][b][u]SHORT BIO:[/u][/b][/color] In Lunaris she was the precious gem embedded deep into the crown of performances. She was the triple-threat phenom with a killer smile, body and smile. The adopted daughter of the proud proprietors of LaReina Entertainment had been trained as a star since she was still a swaddled little thing. And oh did that star ever rise. They called her [i]"Spectralla".[/i] It was a loving mix of 'spectral' for the colours that she wore and embraced, 'spectacle' because that is what happenend whenever she performed, and 'specter' as in a ghost because she moved like no one alive could; she practically floated. Naz'Riani was the darling of the theatre space. That signature performance ending long-lashed wink melted the hearts of thousands in the kingdom and those that had flocked from beyond to see her and her troupe. In such a sunless, cold and unforgiving world as was Lunaris, the theatrics and performances of the LaReina troupes warmed the hearts and hopes of Lunaris' peoples. But all good things do not last forever. No, the blight cut their aspirations from underneath them and hard. The LaReina Entertainment group had to lay off performer after performer until such time they could no longer afford to keep the doors to the ampitheatre open. Managing an entertainment company was all the LaReina's knew. Such dire straights had befallen her family, it became a daily struggle to put food onto the table. Naz'Riani would do anything for her family, but she refused to sell her body. And so into the world of crime did poor Naz find herself. They called her [i]'Black Flower'[/i] now. And in too deep did she find herself. Magic as a performer was hers to command in the spotlights on the greatest stage in her homelands; it was just another instrument that she played to enhance her performances. But out here on the streets, it was exploiting the weak. It was violence to the rivals. It was just a beautiful thing that was corrupted into an evil weapon. The night came when she bit off more than she could chew and she and her mates had been busted by the very outfit they were trying to heist. It was a payoff worth killing over. 2 members of her crew were slain in cold blood. Naz had no choice but to flee. And flee she did. All the way to Dawn Haven she fled, a tagalong, a stowaway with the original caravan. And now she finds herself in the mercy of the whims of the town as she tries to re-establish herself as an elite performewr with little to no equal. She still does provide menial aid where needed but some afternoons and every night, she is on stage, central in the heart of The Eye of the Beholder Tavern performing her remembered routines. These are only the basic ones, but as of now she has come to grips with the fact that she must take baby steps on the path to stardom once again. [/sub] [center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/TPb4S5X/Dance.jpg[/img][/center] [sub][color=7bcdc8][b][u]MISC:[/u][/b][/color] Naz is no longer the radiant flame of a girl that was 'Spectralla'. The woman she has become is indeed a 'Black Flower'. Still pretty but with a heart of darkness. She has done very bad things to people short of murder in her line of work as a criminal. Where once her Dark magic was to enhance her dances, performances with a story telling flair using shadowy monsters or misdirection-- even what looked like teleportation, now her Dark magic summons a horde of black wriggling monstrosities to fight on her behalf. She blinds and trips opponents, or the whole room for that matter and since she can see in the dark, she basically waltzes into the shadows as her mates take care of the unwitting victims. Where once her Psychic magic allowed her strange scents of spices and flowers to heighten the viewing pleasure of those that watched she and her troupe, now her Psychic magic 'pushes' people to do things against their wills or influences them to think that she is their friend, or even just convinces them to fall asleep so as to allow her mates to do whatever is needed to get the job done. She is a very, very bad person. But she is trying now to undo what profound damage she has incurred upon herself and her cracked soul. Little did she know that just by escaping the nearby influence of those criminals she adopted as her family, change would be sudden and rather welcome. It's as if something inside her vied for redemption to save her cracking soul. And though she does slip up, she tries her damndest to return back to the girl that they all knew and loved. The nightlty performances have been a godsend for a psyche in flux and an unworthy heart. The performances seem to uplift those present and, she has her suspicions that Sy-a is the main benefactor of such heightened emotions. The blighted woman does feed offa such things afterall. Magic. That which she knew loved her as much as she has loved in return, she is loathe to use. There is only violence and ruin when she uses it. Perhaps in time, when her soul heals, she will trust it again. She has been trying to rely upon another as a beacon of hope now that she is here in Dawn Haven. That and a rousing ember hidden in her heart is stoked in the presence of such a lovely, lovely royal beauty. Sy-a has been lovely to her but this other is the very person she could ever want to know here. It felt like a lifetime ago whence she danced for the very princess of the Kingdom of Lunaris herself, her majesty, Lady Octavia Lunalari.[/sub] [/hider]