[indent][indent][indent][indent][center] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGXIFaPs6O36QdUza0ujsUKMFwcY1_MRdDdQ&usqp=CAU[/img][/center][quote][Color=C71585]Tokyopolis[/color] [color=deepskyblue]Shibuya Institution District[/color] Eirei Polytechnic Academy — 1B [/quote][sub]Shimura Danzo: Origin[/sub] A Teacher's role is to hearken the burden of students, so that they may succeeded, teaching methods are limitless figures and failure to accustom oneself with fairness for his students is mediocrity. A Student's role is to hearken the lessons provided by their Teacher, learning methods are boundless figures that reasons with reality through an inquisitive mind to see through lies & to be fruitful with knowledge that outpour from the fountains of wisdom. In the same manner, the antidote to a perplexed student is the unwavering guidance of their Teacher, for that is like a soothing wind that fans the flames of progress and the right way to put a fire out. The combined efforts of these things, resolves to break the yolk of fear, distrust, disbelief and unworthiness, thus donning truth's comforting embrace to heart. No matter what the path that the disciple go, the teachings of their master is etched into the very fiber of their whole being that resonates like a vestige. Once and for all, the culminative journey of these opposing souls, brings forth an eternal cycle of giving & receiving in a causal relationship that echo through time. A bond deeper than the flowing blood rivers of biological kinship, a bond that's respected by intellect, connections that sets the framework of a culture, and of a society. We move forward, we stand and fight for our cause. [indent][i]History is learned, History is created, History is preserved.[/i][/indent] [i]Reality[/i] is stranger than [i]fiction[/i]. As Mia began breathing her [i]cursed technique[/i], a charade of humored protest against Ravens, the Illusionist, has made the man be in a seemingly questionable position, it was evident that 1B was crying out in subliminal anguish for the pent up losses they suffered, especially for the lack of a lasting Professor. 1B — The notorious Freshmen Block of 2127 was stepping out of their husks, unafraid showing who they truly are, many stepped out of the class due to the intense predicament they perceived themselves to be in. Their reactions determined their future, whether it's for the better or worse, they're like lost sheeps without a shepherd, venturing into the unknown, some may return but others were broken. Ravens knew of the outcome including the repercussions of his actions,and it seemed that there's little room for remorse or was it for the naught? [indent]Is it? Is it? Is it....[/indent] Danzo sighed and sent an email blast to the faculty and to all of 1B, particular those that left. Suddenly, the gloomy room changed to break the ice. For once in his life, Danzo genuinely smiled and laughed at the so called lackluster performance of the year, there was no need to hold it back anymore, the man with questionable reputation that many claimed remains a phantom. Who knew that the remaining 1B has shown a heroic spirit, something that Danzo only experienced in rare occasions. [indent]The illusion of a dreamer, The illusion of a bluff, The illusion of a classist, The illusion of a passing wind, Not a single one of these sheds light on Danzo.[/indent] As the man called Ravens, the former Professor of Class 1A, now 1B has revealed his true colors, he couldn't say it, any other way. [color=deepskyblue]"First Graded Quiz of the Second Semester, A Hero's Unyielding Mind Against Deception. Haha! My sincerest apologies for the lackluster performance, hahaha, if I've scared you off your seats, dinner is on me!" [/color] His smile and laughter calmed down, perhaps from the abdominal pain, he experienced, he's done holding his misdirections. Danzo has shown the embodiment of a Hawks Agent. [color=deepskyblue]"Detention? You seriously think, I'd be unjust. Come on now, sheesh. There is no detention, except for you, Ms. Rin Himura."[/color] A twist of fate, Danzo has acted upon the matter that first tormented 1B. Rin went into a crazed state. Irritated that the Professor whom she thought was at her side, has betrayed her. Dark Rin or not, she was hoping to fail this hopeless class in the first place, the red flags were there. Of all people, Shimura Danzo, a descendant of Shimura Nana, coming from an elite family has disproven his loyalties to the hierarchy. [color=deepskyblue]"Madame Todoroki has been watching you, Ms. Himura, your tyranny ends here. You are hereby relieved of your Prefect Duties from the Student Advisor Body.[/color] He said with great indignation. Rin could not say anything, she held back her tears, walked out and knew her fate is sealed. [quote]Ravens thought to himself [I]The Founders and Madame Todoroki entrusted me the impossible, I have to expel guilty students that're murderous Hawks Interns, which made up majority of 1A, they've been proven guilty. 1C has proven themselves innocent while 1B isn't bad at all. Could the League have infiltrated Eirei fully or not? No, this wretched killings of Professors is more than meet the eye, if so, why 1B? Why compromise the education of innocent children? For the past six months, I've been acting out of necessity to fulfill my mission, I've done things I'm not proud of. We all have to be vigilant. Revealing myself as of now, may only drag the enemy closer, I must protect Eirei![/I] [/quote] [color=deepskyblue]Yes, everyone can sleep well at their dorms, I wish I know there'd be more questions than answers, but for now I must go![/color] Ravens dissipated into air like a mirage, nowhere to be found. Ravens rushed to the Principal's office. [quote]Results Those who stayed to fight against oppression, viewed as dying with your comrades: 100 pts Those who spoke up against oppression: 95 pts Those who spoke up but left: 90 points Those who forfeited for their own benefit: 80 points [/quote] [b]Next Event: Reelection[/b] Ravens has left an email indicating that his class meet at their Dorms to catch up and unwind, it's also about the structure of student rep positions, it's the second semester, hence the class needs rightful leaders. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]