[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MzIHaGw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/JgL3zQi.png[/img] [/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Linqian ([@FernStone]), Edict ([@AtomicEmperor]), & The Creepy Ass Kid aka. Clancy ([@Zombiedude101]).[/right][right][b][code]Kari's Front Yard.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] [quote=Greyson][color=F5388C]”You guys are okay? Jesus Christ on a tall bike, I was so fucking worried…”[/color][/quote] [color=f4eb93]”You know I'm too fabulous for anything bad to happen to me, Greyson,”[/color] Britney laughed, again trying to add fun to the situation... only for her to realize that now is not the time. [color=f4eb93]”Bad time? Bad time. I'm sorry.”[/color] Britney awkwardly laughed, shaking her head. Nobody was in a good state right now; it seemed... whatever that pink shit did to them, it did a [b][i]number[/i][/b]. Thankfully, Britney resisted huffing it - at the cost of almost passing out - and now it seemed like it was a good time for everyone to go their separate ways until the next meeting. Unfortunately, they will have to go after 8th Street later, but that doesn't mean they must rush to the 8th Street Manor. Taking it slow right now was the best option. And Britney wanted to go home and take a shower. Her sweater was [i]soaked.[/i] Good thing she had a bra under this (today), or else that joke she made to Linqian before the mist is coming true. [quote=Linqian][color=CD5C5C]”Either of you have plans for after this? I need to - I need to not be alone. Father Wolf is still around, y’know, and we don't all have a live-in ex boyfriend for protection.”[/color][/quote] Britney turned towards Linqian, and said, [color=f4eb93]”Not really, but...”[/color] [quote=Linqian][color=CD5C5C]”Don’t worry about it, you probably have plans.”[/color][/quote] Britney smiled as she put her hands on Linqian's shoulders. [color=f4eb93]”... Come with us,”[/color] Britney then looked to Edict. [color=f4eb93]”... By [i]'us'[/i] I mean me and Greyson. We must stop by a store and get you some actual clothes first. On me.”[/color] She laughed. [color=f4eb93]”Actually, I'll see if Bean is available right now,”[/color] Britney mused. [color=f4eb93]”She [i][b]loves[/b][/i] making outfits for peo-”[/color] [quote=Clancy][b]"I can-.. keep an eye out. If you want. It's obvious... that Father Wolf [i]can't[/i] hurt me I just need to deal with something on the way back. Would be easier if you know where that [i]Prom Queen[/i] or any of her [i]pets[/i] live."[/b][/quote] That strange kid pipped up, walking over to them. Britney knew that kid was more than likely not a kid. He was probably some Abscised or Abominable. Either way, if the rest of the Coven wanted him around, that was their choice, but she wanted nothing to do with Clancy. [color=f4eb93]”... She's good, right Linqian?”[/color] Britney smiled at Clancy and left it at that. What made it worse was that Luna came out of the woodwork... she looked beaten up, but Britney knew that she was with the House of Cards Mafia, the same organization that tried to kill her. She knew Luna wasn't there to start, so where did she come from? Either 8th Street is working with the House of Cards, Luna is with 8th Street now and trying to worm her way in, or she's just there to kick them while they're down. Either way, Britney knew she wanted nothing to do with them and nothing to do with Luna. Blackmore immediately confronted Luna, whipping his lightning, which gave them the perfect opportunity to exit. [color=f4eb93]”Let's get out of here,”[/color] Britney whispered to the two of them. [color=f4eb93]”My car's a short walk away; I hope they didn't fuck with it.”[/color] That was when she began walking down the road with Linqian and Edict, leaving the group behind. They had her number if they needed her either way - she knew Lila would hit her up later. Britney kept walking until she got a reasonable distance from the house and made it to a thick brush right off the side of the road. With a flick of her wrist, she retracted the bush, revealing her car: a GMC Yukon without the bullet holes from the fight with the Wolfpack. Britney bowed, gesturing towards it, and said, [color=f4eb93]”... Aaaaaall aboard!”[/color] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6P8qTaC.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/32sPLv7.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/FcbtMmB.png[/img][h1]Auri Auclair.[/h1] [/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Sloane/Sully ([@Atrophy]), Lila ([@NoriWasHere]), Anya ([@FernStone]), & Luna ([@Estylwen]).[/right][right][b][code]Kari's House.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] [color=3874f4]”Thanks bro, you're the best,”[/color] Drake said. Sully healed Sloane, and Drake kept holding her as instructed. He let out a sigh of relief; she was alive. Just barely. If they had been a second late, it would have been lights out for Sloane. However, he just remembered that he had left the flowers on Kari's porch, and his head had returned to her house, and it was eradicated. The only thing left behind was a frame, the charred remains of the house. Thankfully, the fire had gone out, but there wasn't much to save beyond there. The group should get the hell out of here expeditiously. There was no way all of [i]that[/i] went unnoticed. [quote=Sloane][color=silver]“What happened to my clothes? [i]Wait, what the fuck happened to everyone’s clothes?[/i]”[/color][/quote] Though, Sloane slurred herself awake, and Drake smiled. He kept himself. [color=3874f4]”From my understanding,”[/color] Drake began, running a hand through his soaking wet hair. [color=3874f4]”Luca gave you a spicy hug.”[/color] He awkwardly chuckled. She was still out of it; clearly, she was a little shaken, but Anya came over, said some things to her, and then gave her the jacket she was wearing. [quote=Anya][color=9966CC]”How did you get here, Sloane? I brought my car, so I can take you home? Maybe… you can come with us, Drake?”[/color] [/quote] [color=3874f4]”I'm going to go find Tayla and Aislin, make sure they didn't get hurt,”[/color] Drake began as he pulled out a carton of cigarettes that was in his leather jacket. [color=3874f4]”Afterwards, I can meet all of you there - but hold on.”[/color] [quote=Lila][color=DA70D6]“Can someone fix me?”[/color] [/quote] Drake slid his leather jacket off. [color=3874f4]”Can't fix you - but catch, bird homie!”[/color] Drake threw the leather jacket to Lila. [color=3874f4]”Don't worry about giving it back. I got like three more!”[/color] He threw Lila the peace sigh before turning back to Anya and Sloane. [color=3874f4]”Alright, you got my number, just let me know if you need anything...”[/color] Drake looked around, only to see Luna landing with Tayla. She looked a bit beaten up... he wasn't sure if that was from fighting Sycamore or 8th Street. However, Layla and Aislin popped their heads in, and they didn't look too hot either. Where in the world did they go? However, there was one thing on Drake's mind at the moment. [color=3874f4]”Hold on to her for me...”[/color] Drake gently maneuvered Sloane over to Anya before he walked over toward Luna. [quote=Luna][color=bcbcbc][b]“Luna. Present.”[/b][/color][/quote] "Oh! Luna!" Auri looked surprised for a moment as she turned towards Luna. It's great to see you again... But I don't think you're part of this Coven..." [color=3874f4]”... She isn't,”[/color] Drake noted as he walked past Auri. He approached Lna, and shook his head, [color=3874f4]”I thought I told you to get lost. I caught you spying on us, and you refuse to tell us who you're working for. I'm not playing these games, Luna.”[/color] His index, thumb, and middle fingers began crackling with electricity as he created a finger gun that he pointed at Luna. Before he said anything, an orb that grew in size appeared at the tip of his middle and index fingers. [color=3874f4]”Go home, Luna. We don't want you here."[/color]