[right][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qj8Wb8D.png[/img][/right] [h2][color=f26522][u]First Night, Kyoto Forest[/u][/color][/h2] Interacting With: [@Digmata] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Reality seemed to bend and shift around her as Caster used her Noble Phantasm, at least in her perception. She tried her best to not think too heavily about it, focusing more of her attention on her familiar. Getting distracted by what her servant was doing was a sure-fire way to get herself killed. Gotta get used to it and stay focused. The only sign she gave Caster that she had heard her mention her familiar getting spotted was a small click of her tongue. It was unfortunate, but it was somewhat expected. Any magus worth a damn was going to be able to detect a familiar inside their workshop. Caster was a powerful Caster, but a traditional magus she was not. [right][b][color=f26522]"I have eyes on them."[/color][/b][/right] The Tanuki took off at a run to try and keep up. As it went Samira used her Master's Clairvoyance. Rider class servant, parameters were generally above average but not too high. After a few moments of watching the man, she'd leave the Tanuki to attempt to keep track. Turning over towards Caster, she'd give her a slow smile. [right][b][color=f26522]"Think you can get a web up in time to give him a surprise, Caster?"[/color][/b][/right] If they were going to jump into the Grail-War, they were going to do it the right way.