[justify]017 stared upwards, lenses transfixed upon the spider that hung above them. She had already looked at the other aspects of the warehouse, the gravel, the drugs, the mysterious crates. Her processors danced within her digital mind, formulating strategies, comparing data, fugyring out what's what and who's who. This world was undeniably an enemy, who stood in 017's way and promised to threaten her primary order. [h1]YOU MUST SURVIVE[/h1] The footsteps of 'Penny' and 'Glowstick' attracted 017's attention away from the spider graffiti, alien actuators turning her body around to look at her very fleshy compatriots. Her robotic voice rang true, and she spoke. [color=cyan]"Recuperating from being taken from elsewhere and elsewhen. I suppose it might be a more trivial ordeal for one such as yourself."[/color] Her lenses were cold and expressionless, head turning and staring at the homeless girl as she pleaded. [color=cyan]"Reason?"[/color] There was a cold pause as 017 turned her head, noting the pulsating mass once again. [color=cyan]"Reason dictates that a city that leaves so many upon its streets has [i]nowhere[/i] safe. Reason dictates whomever owns this warehouse shall become my enemy sooner or later."[/color] 017 looked to the ground, already grabbing used needles and broken chains and spray cans — no, not that one, the one that was only partially empty — to assemble something that looked like a jury-rigged flamethrower. "[color=cyan]I am sure you and your fellows may have some form of safe refuge, but what I need is something I can convert, alter. Somewhere that I can begin to build.[/color]" A warehouse felt familiar, even if it was something that was so very far apart from what she knew her kind used. Had she been here before? With each moment that something new became, something new became something familiar. The questions started to nag at her, and each second spent in a state where she could not answer them felt like a monumental waste. Yet she still felt like maybe, just maybe, this girl should get a chance. [color=cyan]"Unless you can find me such a place, then I shall work on cleansing here to begin my work."[/color] 017's finger rested upon the trigger guard, as if she was giving the girl one final chance.[/justify]