Finally, the whole group had gotten together and they could finally get to the point of this meeting. They briefly discussed Dr. Gate’s escape fiasco, but the real reason they were gathered here was that they were going to have more freedom. As if that mattered, at the end of the day they were still prisoners. All of his powers were suppressed in one form or another. What was even the point? Unless that freedom also included the ability to pursue a romantic relationship with Ryan Darwin the day guard, it really didn’t matter. There was also the fact that they were now going to get paid for their services as Hounds. He wasn’t expecting to get paid at all so this was a surprise. As Sabriel bluntly pointed out, this came with implication that they were effectively free labor until now. There had to be a legal violation there. No doubt someone here was going to be angry about that. “Oh wonderful. Are you going to take us to the mall to go on a shopping spree?” Dr. Pine’s tone was dripping with sarcasm. “Honestly, this is just a cold comfort.”