[Center][h2][color=ed1c24]Aurora[/color][/h2][/center] Aurora let out a short sigh of relief. While she did not expect then to stick with her she was glad that her companions were choosing to. She looked back and forth at the two then at the Bullywugs before starting to speak in elvish. [Color=ed1c24]"In all honesty Gabe, I was not anticipating getting involved initially. I did see an opportunity in calling in that favor for helping fight Bavlorna when the time comes. The only issue I see with that is Bavlorna suspects that we are here to kill her. I suppose I could hold onto that favor for when we catch up with Jub and Brutrumukk. Granted it's best not to count on this until after we help them."[/color] She paused briefly looking over at the Bullywugs to see if they had overheard and understood any of what she said. After a few moments she resumed speaking elvish to the pair with her. [Color=ed1c24]"Hopefully Jub was able to keep Brutrumukk from getting into to much trouble, and the two didn't wander to far off. I should probably apologize to them both for my outburst. That and we will need their help with fighting Bavlorna."[/color] Aurora looked over to Zav when she mentioned getting larger or smaller helping the plan. [Color=ed1c24]"If we had Brutrumukk it might have helped to make him bigger. We still might be able to use it when fighting the current Bullywug king. I'm not sure if it would help Gabe or me more though."[/color]