[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6P8qTaC.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/32sPLv7.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/FcbtMmB.png[/img][h1]Auri Auclair.[/h1] [/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Luna ([@Estylwen]), Sloane ([@Atrophy]), & Anya ([@FernStone]).[/right][right][b][code]Kari's House.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr][quote=Luna][color=bcbcbc][b]“I listened to you, and you still tell me to get lost? Who attacked the fortress? Hm? I would have made more of a dent if Greta didn’t have her fuckin’ potions. And I swear, I would have conquered their damn fortress if I had more firepower. If you need to verify my words, Aislin and Layla were with me. I [i]recused[/i] them from the worst of the brawl. How many more proofs do you need to see I’m on your side? Actually, fuck, don’t answer that. I know you hate it.”[/b][/color][/quote] Drake rolled his eyes. Of course, Luna thought that running off and picking a fight with 8th Street would win him over. Nah. That shipped has [i]sailed.[/i] Drake kept his finger leveled at Luna, hardly changing his positioning or facial expression. Maybe she pushed 8th Street away, but he looked at the facts here; she was spying on them for her little mafia. She's playing an angle, and they don't need her there making things more complicated. [color=3874f4]”Yeah, if that's true; thanks,”[/color] Drake rolled his eyes. [color=3874f4]”But, I'm looking at the fact that you were spying on us, and [b][i]nothing[/i][/b] else. So, get lost.”[/color] "Look," Auri said as she got in between Drake and Luna, holding the staff in her hand. She faced Drake. "I understand how you feel, Drake, but we should leave. There is [i]no[/i] way all of that went unnoticed!" She laughed before she got a text message: she dug into her purse and read it before putting it away and continuing. "So, let's put the magic away, and let's just go," Auri sighed. "If anyone needs me, I'll be at my Flower Shop; just let me know if you're coming because I'll have a guest." [color=3874f4]”Hmph,”[/color] Drake lowered his hand, and the electricity faded as he walked back over towards Sloane and Anya. [color=3874f4]”Know what?”[/color] He said to them. [color=3874f4]”Let's just scram.”[/color]