[h3][color=lightblue]Amaya Himura[/color][/h3] [hr] Location: Eirei Dorms Amaya stood against a wall of her once life filled dorm of 1A that was now barren do to the events that had taken place while she was gone, due to an “aliment” that had required her to not be an school. Her white eyelashes lifting to reveal her steel grey eyes. Her ankle length white hair was up in two pigtails, looped up with big light blue ribbons. Her blue nail painted left hand was holding a light blue phone to her ear listening silently to someone on the other side. [color=lightblue]“Right…I guess… No, that won’t be necessary.”[/color]she responded softly her free hand resting under her bent elbow as she watched the door that was once the room she called home within this school. [color=lightblue]“Understood…”[/color]she confirmed hearing the other end hang up as she closed her phone resting it in her hand, picking her backpack and daffle bag up as she walked down the hallway. Seems while she was spared of whatever happened to her classmates. Political strings were being pulled and somehow she was now in 1b. Seems her attempt of doing just enough was not going to be allowed or tolerated by the family it seemed. Today was the day to finally pull off her mask as an attempted slacker. So much for keeping within the middle of the pack. Not forgotten but not center of attention. Honestly she liked her spot within the family, it was comfortable. She was left alone. The work to the 1B dorms were not to bad. She looked at her phone looking at the class list as well as dorm assignments, the classroom schedule etc. Slowly she made her way towards where they all were to meet. She read a message about the class needing a new representative. Seems Rin could not handle the position. [color=lightblue]“What did you do Rin.”[/color]she whispered to herself stopping at the dorms looking for her room