[@all] [b]I created an example character sheet in the main post. (and yes, I know, the Fate stuff can be finicky at first, but you'll see why it's awesome when we start playing)[/b] [@Eviledd1984] A bit of re-arranging and looks good to me, nice and classic. The Aspects have a bit too much information (that you don't have to chuck out, but could better go in the Description section or the writing sample, for example). Aspects are seriously short distillations of a character to their very core. They describe what they are, what they can do and what makes them tick. In-game, they explain how you get bonuses on rolls, or how your character can be moved into action. Think of them as mini-plot hooks that we can tempt your character with later. This is why it's important to really think about [i]how you want to [u]actually play[/u] the character[/i]. And it's why they often strike a balance between being quite specific and meaningful, but also generic enough that it can be applied to many situations. So for your character, for example they could maybe even be made into "Disgruntled Private Eye, For Hire", "I want to make up with my ex-wife and children", "I'm Weak For The Bottle, The Cigar, And The Female Charm", or whatever you think would fit well. Further details can be put into the description, the writing sample, or left open to be filled in through role-play. I mean, save some for the good stuff later eh? ;). As for the augmentations for stunts: that depends. Again, it's all about how you want to [i]play[/i] the character. I put in glossary that most people are augmented in basic ways, so I won't require you to write down everything. A lot of that is going to be flavoring to the RP and the setting, so just let that be implied and sprinkle it in whenever. But if there are augmentations that you [i]really[/i] want your character to be defined by, and really want to [i]impact[/i] the story (an overclocked hacking module, a robotic hot-swappable strong-arm, a pheromone dispenser for seductive persuasion, etc.), that's what you put as Stunts. Alternatively, if you don't want to play focusing on augmentations at all, you can do things like 'Because I Think Out Of The Box, I get a +2 bonus on Cleverly Creating Advantages when I'm in a restrictive situation', for example. So think about: what can your character [i]do[/i] that is [i]truly exceptional[/i] for them? Could be augs, could be something else. Stunts are the most difficult to get right on the first go, so feel free to reply or PM me also if you have an idea, but don't know how to put it into these fate-y terms yet.