[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230401/a7cf000398d767b3272acda949c3afd0.png[/img][/center][hr] Standing outside the meeting area was one Nico Makri, not looking too out of place in comparison to the more mundane security detail. While his Noble Arm wasn’t manifested, he managed to snag a gun from Mischief Reef’s armory and was currently drumming his fingers against the holster absently. [hider=Dullahan][img]https://i.ibb.co/3c4gqqc/IMG-1715.jpg[/img][/hider] The thinly veiled threat Superbia (or Yulian, in this case) said forced him to think of just what a round two would look like against a force of nature like the leader of Downward Descent. It was true that he would likely not have the dual state he tapped into last time, but that bout gave him some insight into how Superbia approached a fight. [color=AntiqueWhite][i]No two ways about it, I’m not winning a straight fight with the immortal bastard. But, if this version isn’t as much of a copycat as the one I fought, then I could stand a chance. He only really seems to know the basics of using a weapon.[/i][/color] [color=AntiqueWhite]”Damn.”[/color] Nico swore in an irritated whisper. Huo Ren was easy to figure out, what with him being a showboat and such. At the least, it was clear that the Dragon wasn’t a real spearman. He wouldn’t be here if that were the case. And as much as he would love to prove it wrong, the only reason he was even alive was because of his Noble Arm’s apparent fusion state. [color=AntiqueWhite][i]Seriously need to figure out what in every gods’ name that was.[/i][/color] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240411/4b333d0ba9447c73043a243ef063e60d.png[/img][/center][hr] Aoi remained to herself after the incident with Huo Ren and Yulian, walking the area while the rest of the Task Force kept up appearances. She wasn’t looking too sore on the eyes herself, having bought a dress and hat set from a local outlet for the occasion, as well as a .50 cal Desert Eagle in a holster on her leg. She made sure it was relatively unseen beneath the frills of her dress, but still close enough for easy access in a pinch. [hider=Aoandō][img]https://i.ibb.co/cTmWcSx/IMG-0440.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=LightCyan][i]This is it. My ultimate opportunity to complete my goals.[/i][/color] Aoi didn’t walk up to Myron, she just [i]appeared[/i] behind him, as if the mere mention of her name was enough to summon her. She tipped her hat to the gathered group, bowing politely and speaking accented English for the sake of being concise. [color=LightCyan]”Should you have a means for me to take the Dragon’s phone without actively exposing myself, I will volunteer for this request.”[/color] It wasn’t clear in her expression or voice, but her eyes betrayed the idea that Aoi was planning for future events rather than the current pressing matters. Her mission to kill the Zodiac had led her to one of the members she despised almost as much as she dreaded facing. But a chance to both humiliate the Dragon and make her move was a once in a lifetime opportunity. All she needed was a way to make it happen.