Katsuo was content to sit back in his desk towards the middle of the classroom for the shitty introduction of his junior professor, shittier reactions of his new cohort, and the compounding shittiness of downstream reactions. The muscular hero was a bit large for his desk, the back support never felt right to him as he leaned against it casually, staying cool as the situation naturally escalated. He knew that class 1B had a rep for dysfunctional personalities, but the addition of himself alongside Mia and Kaiga in the reshuffle were not going to do them any favors. He at least had some comradery with his classmates who joined them in getting thrown out of the top class. Mia was a bit of a bitch, but he liked that from the American, and more importantly she was real with these idiots and posers. The long monologuing earned a stretch and a yawn, followed by a bobbling nod of approval, about the pinnacle of Katsuo’s respect for his peers. Asagumo was more amusing, bit of an idolizer and worse: a stickler, but he wasn’t a bad guy and he had the good sense to usually not be too obtrusive. Obviously, the raucousness of the new class was not going to be easy for him. That said, his scream had Indomitable looking down to his phone, his normal cool smile faltering for a moment as he caught word of the retirement of the top three at the same time. It was a complicated thing for him: He was glad that he had the opportunity to work under Best Jeanist’s tutelage, and he admired the hardened determination of the #1 Hero. He considered what it would mean with such a huge loss to the Hero community, and what would happen at Eirei as the Flame Hero began to step back. He was sure that Kaiga was crushed, and maybe some time to himself escorting the uptight loser to the nurse might give him some time to reflect. Of course, his fellow students weren’t the only Class 1A leftovers being tossed down, a fact he was painfully reminded of when Danzo appeared to back up his junior professor, only to throw her under the bus. He smirked some as Rin’s self-absorption collapsed into a teary mess, the poetic justice almost as good as getting the real thing. He didn’t care much for how he was graded, he showed up as required, and did little more. Perhaps it was best he did not know he was being graded this way. He was already frustrated by his demotion, which still bothered him. He had excelled in the Sports Festival, it was his favorite event and he had prepared to the best of his ability. But the fights had been all disappointing: Kaiga was completely uninterested in even fighting despite being placed in the first round, and he almost felt bad throwing him out of the ring so unceremoniously. It was frustrating, he knew Kaiga was a good fighter, but he was clearly out of his element. The quirkless kid had put up a better fight, but steel on steel the Overwhelming Firepower hero was outmatched when Katsuo launched from the get go at well beyond his normal ability, basking in the glow of his previous victory. The most embarrassing, however, was his defeat in the semifinals to Onrush. It was humiliating to be ringed out before he could even get to blows. He had spent so long focusing on how to handle those blades and her speed, and the momentum of his two previous victories had him feeling better than he had in years, but none of it even mattered as he was as unceremoniously shunted as Kaiga had been. He was not good at swallowing his pride, and made his disapproval well known to both his opponent and the judges. Upon being dismissed, the hero rose from his seat to his full height, a little below 2 meters tall as he made his way out of the classroom and back to his locker. Taking out his board, the smile on Katsuo’s face became much more excited, tapping a button on the side, the thrum of the repulsor confirmed that it was ready, and he was happy to place it on the ground, hovering a few inches off the ground. He’d step on, locking in his forward foot to the controls. As he raised his backfoot on, he’d shift his leading foot on the controls, the thrum becoming much more audible as the repulsor gained strength and he rose further off the ground. Pushing off the ground with his foot, he made his way out to the hallway and hopped over the railing two stories above the ground. As the massive young man plummeted, he pressed his heels into the board and pushed the repulsors to their safe maximum, the field easing his landing from almost the moment he hopped off from the height. He had gone from higher before, but it killed his knees dropping from higher up. This was closer to a gentle glide as the field slowly reduced itself, catching his landing gracefully as he again pushed off the ground out towards the dorms. It was a beautiful day out, the clear sunny sky begging for him to stay out, but he had to go back to the dorms for the next assignment. Yamato-San at least seemed relaxed, Katsuo wasn’t sure what to make of his roommate, but he’d do his best to make it work. He was expecting a bloodbath of overachievers looking for student rep positions. The idea crossed his mind occasionally, but the Self-Assured Hero was not one to take responsibility for the fuckups of others, let alone this group of misfits. He took the long way back, his hoverboard streaking over the river on its booster, Katsuo leaning forward and low to not get put off balance by the extra thrust that was sending up a wake of water beside him and warm spray into his face to cool him off. A blast of repulsor would send him high into the air before landing on the bank and turning over towards the dorm. [i]Lets see what this petty bloodbath is going to look like.[/i]