[indent][indent][indent][b]Second Semester First Quiz Results[/b] Those who stayed to fight against oppression, viewed as dying with your comrades: 100 pts Those who spoke up against oppression: 95 pts Those who spoke up but left: 90 points Those who were against oppression but didn't speak up yet stayed , which would count as wild card: 85 points Those who forfeited for their own benefit, which has to be a Retake, take note that Retake don't mean Failed: 80 points [b]Perfect Score[/b] 100 [b]Excellent Score [/b] 90-95 [b]Minimum Score[/b] 85 [b]Retake[/b] 80 [hider=1B] Mawatari: 100 Asagumo: 90 Mamushi: 100 Yamagata: 95 Yajima: 80 Seiki: 85 Akisuji: 80 [Forfeited] Kazuma: 100 Mathers: 90 Taragi: 85 [b]Ungraded[/b] Needs extra classes Yuhi Yamato Yajima Himura Yuzuki Misaki Soragami[/hider] 1A and 1C virtually took the same quiz. [hider=Freshman Block Ranking] [sub]Prefect[/sub] 1A — Kaku Mei [Ignia] Mei felt like her class didn't deserve to be at the top since Ravens gave her instructions on what to teach. [sub]Professor[/sub] 1C — Nagihara Nozomi [Gunpoint] Nozomi was an All Might Agency Hero, a Quirkless Hero and a UA Alumni. [Sub]Professor[/sub] 1B — Yatagarasu Hisora [Ravens] Hisora is a mystery. [/hider] [/indent][/indent][/indent]