[indent][indent][indent][b]1B Character Morale & Overall First Semester Scores[/b] [sub]Professor[/sub] Aozaki Aida | Splitsec, 40 [Deceased] Quirk: Jetspeed These were the final quarter grades and the entire first semester grades during the First Semester, completed by Ravens in the dying memory of the Speeding Hero, Splitsec, who was reported to have been killed by one of the Sinister Six, Electricgod. The heartfelt feedback came from their late Professor. She was said to be MIA but her death was broadcasted a day prior the Sports Festival. [b]First Place[/b] Mawatari Jun Quirk: Distance Snap [i]Her grades are outstanding, she's got a resolute mind but I'm afraid her numbing indifference isn't always going to be a positive stoicism, people may be rubbed the wrong way, she doesn't seem notice how people are willing to get her out of her shell, I had to confiscate a lot of love letters and reconfigure her Hawkpads to filter out those unnecessary love emails from boys and girls, my even the girls? Learn how to be more flexible, always remember to open your heart to the right people.[/i] [b]Second Place[/b] YĆ«hi Yusuke Quirk: Fervent Trigger [i]His grades are on par with Jun's, Yusuke sees her as a rival but the girl just don't reciprocate, just like a girl who rejected a love confession. Shrugs... Not poggers. Yusuke is a fun gamer in a sense, he's very participative in class and I admire his heroic spirit to win. However, his disastrous quirk control leaves him undesired in character. I hate having favorites but he was like a son to me. Yusuke needs to work on his character and interpersonal relationships. Like Jun, I had to the same thing, the opposite sex, likes him.[/i] [b]Third Place[/b] Suzuki Akira Quirk: Projection [i]The Male Class Representative, yes, a discreet troublemaker, fashioned in a predisposed situation of Eirei's prejudiced classism, he's not a troublemaker but the 1Aers really loved to bully him, Akira kept choosing stand his ground to defend his class. [/i] [b]Fourth Place[/b] Ogawa Yamato Quirk: Tyrannosaurus The most misunderstood boy in the Freshman Block, a gentle soul who balances himself internally well amidst the classism and racism. I am glad he's not like those hoodlum Metamorphics who'd abuse the M-word pass. Perhaps what Yamato needs is someone to truly understand him, someone to tell him that it's okay to cry and not hide behind his wounds. [b]Fifth Place[/b] Kazuma Yui Quirk: Kinetics [i]Yui is like the other half of Kujaku, except more devious, I love his straightforward approach for its moderate in itself despite how people claimed its excessiveness. He's like a calmer version of Yusuke, he knows what he wants unlike the other. Yui serves all purpose as a wake up call to the class. A hardworking winner. [/i] [b]Sixth Place[/b] Soragami Kujaku Quirk: Rainmaker [i]Kujaku is laid back but just like Yui, his words and actions tend to attract bullies and surprisingly, friends. Professors need to see that he's got a big heart despite his troublemaker tendencies. His grades are average, which I had to keep reprimanding him. Stop skipping class.[/i] [b]Seventh Place[/b] Yamagata Kazuki Quirkless [i]Admirable for a Quirkless but I'm heavily perplexed and concern for his mental health, perhaps was it because I've watched too much American School Shooter Documentary? He's unpredictable.[/i] [b]Eighth Place[/b] Seiki Kanako Quirk: Mind Link [i]Never underestimate people with special needs, Kanako is like a daughter to me, she helps me scold people with her Mind Link, reprimand those who weren't paying attention in class. I'm still concerned and perplexed, a mute girl in the Hawks Agency? I hate to underestimate but in dark times like these, I wish children choose their agencies properly.[/i] [b]Ninth Place[/b] Mamushi Hebi Quirk: Hydra [i]I'm surprised how she became a fellow class representative, nevertheless ,like Akira, she keeps all the notorious delinquents in line but please, tone down the arrogance, it's not gonna help you gain proper public perception, she also quarrels a lot with Yusuke until she's just indifferent.[/i] [b]Tenth Place[/b] Misaki Shiori Quirk: Castling Point [i]Just like Kujaku, she causes chaotic and instant trouble by skipping classes and over the top pranks, she's not the brightest.[/i] [/indent][/indent][/indent]