[centre][h1][colour=lime]Yui Kazuma[/colour][/h1][/centre] [hr][sub][colour=00aeef]Location[/colour]: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture[/sub][hr] [I]Hm?[/I] Yui acknowledged the pink-haired girl with a slight incline of his head. Her clap wasn’t done harshly, but his Quirk redirected the force all the same. He raised an eyebrow at the lengthy speech she gave to the professor, and the rest of the class before she fluttered out of the classroom in a storm of flower petals. Yui’s gaze turned back to Ravens when he started laughing out of nowhere. Well, that was quite the 180. It was all a test? That sounded like a bit of a cop-out in all honesty. He stifled a fake yawn, staring at Ravens through half-lidded eyes. Well, it wasn’t like he’d been planning to go to detention regardless, and cop-out or not, he wasn’t one to pass up on free food. [colour=red]“I hope you won’t regret that, sensei.”[/colour] Usually, Yui wouldn’t care much about the bipolar outburst of a professor he didn’t know, but.... hm. There was something that piqued his interest; an itch he couldn’t just ignore. Without much thought, he pressed a finger to the side of his head, taking a breath to steady his hand. It lasted only a second—and not any longer, for safety reasons—but he still got what he wanted. Ah, well that satisfied his curiosity a tad. A more inquisitive person would have tried to go further, but he wasn’t that kind of guy—not when he didn’t need to be. Everyone had their secrets, and he wasn’t usually one to pry into things that didn’t concern him. He could reciprocate at least that much. Yui blinked the spots from his eyes, pulling up his headphones and reclining in his chair. He’d get to the dorms soon enough, but for now, he had something to check. Flipping through his Hawkpad, Yui’s eyes scanned over the latest news for a moment until something caught his eye. Huh, so Endeavor was retiring? Not surprising, considering the severity of the injuries he sustained a few years ago during the Paranormal Liberation War. If anything, this was a long time coming. Hopefully, nothing too bad would happen after the announcement. Yui’s lips twitched. [I]Hopefully, indeed.[/I] He attached his Hawkpad to his bracer and frowned as he looked at the screen again. [[I][b]Search pending....[/b][/I]] With a sigh, Yui shut off the device. Hawkpads were distributed to every student at Eirei, so of course they were monitored in some way. Getting rid of that would’ve been far too suspicious, not to mention just a terrible idea in general. They were made that way for a reason and it wasn’t a stupid one. In the grand scheme of things, however, that made keeping certain things to himself.... difficult. He wasn’t opposed to working with other people, but if there was something they didn’t need to know, then they didn’t need to know. Circumventing that particular issue wasn’t exactly rocket science—that would’ve been useless—but it wasn’t easy either. He had sacrificed a lot of sleepless nights to get it done right. It might not have been a necessity anymore, but that didn’t mean he enjoyed it any less. Yui removed the Hawkpad from his bracer and pocketed it, letting his eyes flutter shut for the briefest of moments. He took a breath and then stood up from his chair in a single, fluid movement. Well, he had to head over to the dorm sooner or later and there was no point in delaying it further. Plus, he had to stop by the support department for.... things. Then, he’d get right on what was likely another wild goose chase. [I]Sigh.... Why couldn’t things just be easy for once?[/I] Despite his thoughts, the slightest ghost of a smile appeared on Yui’s lips.