[color=ffb200][center][h2]Kanako Seiki[/h2][/center][/color] [hr][sub][colour=00aeef]Location[/colour]: 1B dorms,[/sub][hr] Kanako grabbed her Hawkpad and got up. She walked out of the 1B classroom confused. She couldn't figure out what exactly had just happened in class. Normally she relied on her quirk to figure out what people were thinking, and what they meant, and their motivations for things. So when she didn't have the mental energy to use her quirk, like say, when it was the day after using it to the point where it could be considered psychological torture, she was effectively socially blind to tone or social cues. Being able to read minds came with it's advantages, yes, but had it's downsides too. She barely batted an eye as Katsuo make a show of jumping from the balcony. Meanwhile she took the [i]sane[/i] way down and used the stairs then walked off towards the dorms. Her mind was reeling from the events in the classroom. Danzo was actually Ravens, and all the threats had been a bluff... except for the ones made by Rin, who was now under house arrest and wasn't a problem anymore, so none of [i]her[/i] threats would come to fruition. But at the same time, she was pretty sure that Rin was on the verge of snapping, being under house arrest might not do that much to stop her if she really went rouge. Rin... she felt off, too power hungry, too eager to escalate conflict, too much like Tama... [color=ffb200][i]Don't think about Tama.[/i][/color] She pushed the thought down and kept walking. Rin was confusing, Kanako didn't know how to read her, because half the time she was bordering on psychopathic murderous insanity. If it were anyone else she would have just used her quirk and found out what she wanted to know about a person that way, but every time she'd tried to link her mind to Rin's while she was working with her in the Blackhawks, she'd gotten such an intense headache that she had to sever the link. And even if she had been able to link her mind to Rin's for more than a few seconds before the headache set in, she would've been too scared of hearing something she shouldn't have and putting herself in danger to try using her quirk on Rin. Rin seemed like the kind of person who had secrets, closely guarded, possibly dangerous, secrets. Kanako sighed silently, the whole situation was fucking confusing. She came up on the dorms and headed to her's, trying to find something else to think about. [color=ffb200][i]How about the League? Try to find out what they're up to now, consider rejoining them for a bit, then hate yourself for the next few days for even having those thoughts in the first place,[/i][/color] she thought sarcastically. This wasn't something that was too uncommon her her to do. Old habits were hard to break. She eventually settled on thinking about the election for the class representative instead. Jun seemed like the logical choice, of course. But she and Mia were going to be roommates, and Kanako didn't want to give Mia any reason to hate her. So maybe voting for Mia was the best choice. But then again Jun [i]was[/i] the better choice for the job. Mia seemed too rash and headstrong, compared to Jun's calm collected attitude, but if Kanako was going to be living in the same dorm as Mia she wanted to be on Mia's side as much as possible, right? That was what people here did to avoid conflict, right? [color=ffb200][i]Who are you to be avoiding conflict? A hypocrite with the way you were in class, and a paranoid wimp, that's who. Stop guilt tripping yourself into putting yourself in the line of fire. Just keep your head down, don't be noticeable,[/i][/color] she thought. And with that she decided to vote for Mia. Confused, paranoid, and with nearly everything she was thinking contradicting herself further, Kanako pushed open the door of her dorm. Her eyes darted around the room for a second to make sure everything was in order, to make sure that there wasn't someone hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike. Then when she decided everything was fine she walked over to her bed and flopped down face down in her pillow with her arms sprawled out on either side of her. [@Lewascan2]