[center][color=9e005d][h1]Widolaic von Vestra[/h1][/color][/center] [right][indent][sub][color=#C0C2C9]Interacting with:[/color] [@Asura] [@Scribe of Thoth] | [color=#C0C2C9]Location:[/color] Garreg Mach Monastery - Courtyard[/sub][/indent][/right][hr] Viddle was glad to hear Adelaide take the assessment in stride. When it came to the marriages of royalty, ‘[i]tolerable[/i]’ was certainly on the higher end of outcomes, though she knew her concerns had been largely unfounded to begin with. Adelaide would be cold underground before she let some arranged spouse stand in the way of her future. Johann would realize that quickly, and accept it with grace, or he would be in for a rather miserable marriage. When the topic turned playfully towards her own prospects, Viddle couldn’t help laughing just a little. Not so much at the idea itself, but the thought of uncle Ulrich playing matchmaker tickled her. She’d never seen him so much as smile since they first met, and anyone who came to his seat intending to ask after marriage proposals might already be unsuitable by way of insanity. “[color=9e005d]Uncle Ulrich isn’t very romantically-inclined these days,[/color]” she said casually. She’d never known his wife, though in her more daring escapades within the estate, she discovered he still kept a lovely portrait of her in his chambers. Perhaps theirs was indeed a passionate union. “[color=9e005d]Though if you have anyone you’d like disposed of, you should consider sending them to him to inquire after my hand. Besides,[/color]” a mischievous grin tugged at her lips. “[color=9e005d]There are much more interesting things to prowl these halls for than marriage, wouldn’t you say—oh![/color]” Having grown up surrounded by those who would one day make their trades in shadows and subtlety, Viddle prided herself somewhat on being hard to sneak up on. However, when a small voice popped up before them, she jolted, finding it attached to a young man who she had not even noticed approach. It was a face she recognized least among the imperial heirs at the academy, but still recognized nonetheless. Rudolf von Bergliez, future heir to the seat of the empire’s military, and something of a social recluse compared to his peers. “[color=9e005d]Rudolf![/color]” she beamed, cheery again once the surprise wore off. “[color=9e005d]Oh, what a pleasant surprise! Please don’t go, we were just talking about how fun it will be, getting to know all our future allies. Your Highness,[/color]” she said, catching herself before calling Adelaide by name so casually. Perhaps once the introductions were done. “[color=9e005d]Have you met Rudolf yet? Heir to House Bergliez, and quite the capable mage, I’m told. We share a passion for magic, it would seem—I’d love to trade notes some time![/color]”