[quote][indent][indent][indent]Hi Team, There'd be no posts today, like I promised of what we signed up for as advertised and debriefed, I love giving cooldowns. Use this time however you like and wise enough to read and re-read IC posts so we're all kept up on the flow of things. I understand we've been going fast & that given our enthusiasm, we either break or make the gravy, I highly reciprocate everyone's feelings and thank everyone for working hard for the past two weeks. As a handsome reward, we will be having a 2-day break. Sincerely, Your Keikaku Friend, Verjil[/indent][/indent][/indent][/quote] [@Thayr] [@Letter Bee] [@Iamme] [@Gerlando] [@j8cob] [@JrVader] [@Aku the Samurai] [@Creative Chaos] [@Lewascan2] [@Digmata] [@BlackMaiden] [@Dragon Arts] [@Pragia12]