[hider=Willis Philips] Name: Willis Philips Age: 24 Appearance: [hider=Photo] [img]https://i.imgur.com/WvsIBU7.png[/img] [/hider] Willis has the glazed look of someone not paying attention in class. Upon closer inspection, he is as pale as a corpse and his eyes glows red in the dark. Immidietly after feeding he would look more human. Race: Blight-born Blight-Born Traits: Classical. Willis is a bloodsucker with retractable fangs in his mouth. Blight-born are stronger and faster after dying once. Willis also has his senses enhanced. Like a nocturnal predator, he can see in the dark, pick-up scent trails of his prey, and discern individual sounds in a rowdy tavern. However, he loses the ability to taste and gets constipated eating or drinking anything other than blood. Loud sounds and sunlight will daze him. The blight has made further modifications to his body. Willis' body will painfully stitch itself back together any wound short of a killing blow, provided he has enough blood to sustain his transformation. Willis can also turn into a lil brown bat that can speak and fly remarkably fast as long as he isn't restrained. Kingdom: Lunaris Role: Courier Magic: Willis possess an affinity with magic but does not know any. Short Bio: Willis was a rising star among the ranks of the Lunaris army. Born as the son of a minor noble house, he is compelled at an early age to pursue a military career much like the rest of his family. Through hardwork and connectionss afforded by his father Willis joined a mountaineer corp, who are trained to use the mountainous terrain to their advantage and act as skirmishers and the first line of defense in the event of an Aurelia incursion. As part of his training Willis learned to survive in the wilderness and participated in real and mock combat against bandits and smugglers. As the blight field expands and creeps deeper into Lunaris, Willis also began to fight against blighted monsters more and more frequently. Willis began to suffer from minor blight symptoms caused by overexposure fighting blighted creatures but due a shortage of manpower his superiors delayed his rotation away from his unit. Willis was patrolling a vital river overpass when he and 2 others are caught in a wandering cloud of purple miasma blown by strong winds along the river bank. They all died, but only he was reborn as a blight-born. Aware of his unholy existence and knowing the consequences that will befall him he deserted his unit and embark to Dawnhaven. [/hider]