Anastasia had little interest in receiving a paycheck. The only items she would spend the money on were ice cream, Hello Kitty merchandise, and more casual clothing. She had discovered a particular style that she wanted to expand her wardrobe with. However, what truly captured her attention was the prospect of retrieving her belongings, especially her jewelry. She desperately longed to have her jewelry back, as they were the only things that provided her with a sense of security. The silver and platinum pieces seemed to ward off the noise in her mind and bring her a semblance of peace. She whispered, her voice just loud enough to be heard. "At least we're getting our stuff back. It's better than nothing. We should at least be grateful for the little things in this...confinement." She spotted Gate at the corner of her vision. She'd been acting weird for awhile now. Well, it's better not to pry anyways.