Artificiality became nothingness, then from nothingness came organic touch and feeling. Wet and dirty, hard and solid yet undependable and unreliable and unstable. Nobomi, hesitantly, gripped the stuff beneath her fingers. Cold earth. She awoke. She'd been awake, but not fully conscious or aware. Sobering chill, a different chill from the drunken, drugging environment of before, of [i]back there[/i]. She was in a new place. New, but from where? What was that place that came before? Her head rolled to the side automatically, alerted by strange noises. A creature. [i]Many creatures[/i]. Domesticated? She didn't think so. Even if they were, the one now directing its body towards them-[b]Potential threat to the godspawn[/b]. Godspawn? Her cleaner hand crawled up to the hem of her robes, outstretched fingers, tapped skin. Goosebumps. Tapped... metal. [b]Important[/b]. But why? Panic filled her muscles like hydraulic fluid and she hinged forwards. Panic filled her mind like cooling fluid as it overclocked itself. It rose too. Viscera hung from its belly. Perhaps inside its belly as well. Metal. Where's metal? It was a lifeline, something told her. Use it. Destroy your opposition. Opposite to her instinct, she closed her eyes. This was the path of least resistance -- less distraction, more focus, despite this beast being exactly the sort of thing that should hold her attention. Trace amounts, iron in the earth, in their blood -- not enough. Milliseconds flying by and she's doing nothing. Swollen with wakefulness, she let her eyelids fly open and her feet strike the stone in unsteady strides, moving aside. Perpendicular, the most logical direction given an airborne enemy. She ran. She stumbled. She gripped rough, scratchy material to stay upright, looped around this... organic support beam she'd grabbed, using its width as a shield while she cranked out thoughts, or tried, but the gears were rusty -- from disuse, she realized. She must not have used her mind much in that time and place before. What did she need? To survive [b]protect[/b]. How? She thought over the situation and her surroundings. She was not alone, there were others too. She peered around her gray-brown protective barrier. A green, humanoid beast. A few humans. But were they humans? Close enough term. No metal, unless she was willing to risk their health by robbing them of important metals. But would it matter once their blood joined the bloodbath on those bellies of those disgusting creatures? Wait. So much blood. So much iron right there! So much... or so she hoped... Pressing her back against the rough brown thing holding up the living ceiling above, she closed her eyes and searched for metals in all the blood both [i]in[/i] and [i]on[/i] the creatures' bellies, everything they had digested or attempted to ingest. Iron, zinc, copper -- anything. All the same.