[center][h1][b][color=9370DB]Nyana/Hikari[/color][/b][/h1] [h3][i]??? — ??? Forest[/i][/h3][/center] [quote]Whatever their choice would have been seemed to matter little as it let out a cry and flapped it's massive wings towards them. With that came a strong gale that, even from this distance, could be felt. [/quote] [color=9370DB]"Time's up..."[/color] Why hadn't she just tried to drag one or two of these guys back so they could already have been running away? Or something....even if it meant just slowly backing away herself to avoid the mess and start the fleeing process at least for herself? Ugh. No. No, they'd have to do something now and there was no way around it at this venture. Not even if running was cetainly something her instinctual brain felt like was an option still too. Or, well, was it more a 'core' now? Core. Brain? Brain-core-thing. Hmm. [quote]Doubly so, now that the bird had lifted off from where it had been standing and began to fly at the four. There was some time before it drew close enough to do whatever it planned to do, but any opportunities to plan seemed to be very quickly running thin.[/quote] Jase began shouting order to the party mage, the Confused Man with the halberd seemd to try to ready himself, and naturally the giant metal bird was going to try something on them ranging from a swoop to a dive-by to whatever it was going to do at them. Gust of wind wasn't insignificant either as it had sent it at them, which mean it was strong. Heavy. Metal. Yup. They were potentially going to die all over again and so soon if they didn't get their act together, and all over again they'd just wasted away their time trying to think of what to do. Relateable, but certainly not a good thing in the heat of a major situation like this one. Not at all. The only good thing was that the forest was at their backs, so-....hmm. Actually, 'that' could work. Maybe. Or it'd be suicide. Either way, the knightess would without a second thought rushed to put herself at the forefront of the diving bird as best she could, took a knee, stabbed her blade into the ground next to her, and tried to apply her height and armor as she held up her shield using both of her arms. She'd try to aim the metal shield to defend, but attempting to likewise reflect light into the bird's eyes if she could. Draw attention, or whatever trying to reflect light into its eyes could do, maybe it'd aim for her first. If that was going to be any bit viable, she'd at least try to make it viable as best as she could. [color=9370DB]"Halberd guy, get behind me, plant the butt of your weapon into the ground to brace it, and point the end your weapon at the thing's body as it comes in! Jase, Vrelenor, keep the forest at your backs and get the hell behind me so I'm actually in front to take the hit as it charges in!"[/color] Halberd held by the Confused Man, she really needed to ask his name at some point, was longer than her sword and had the most reach so far. Naturally it made sense that it would better reach against the charging giant enemy bird, and the but being stuck in the ground would brace it. She and her shield would aim to take the brunt of either a direct impact or side-swipe, though she was unsure if she had the raw mass for it as she tried her best to brace up properly. Best case, maybe at least halberd guy and her shield tactic would lead to stabbing the thing somewhat. Worst case, perhaps her actions would draw her attention and keep it off of the other guys around her. Whatever the case, having to face a giant ugly enemy bird felt like something she only could've experienced in Sydney, Australia back home. However, here it was very real and they had no time to argue further. Action was needed, and she'd try to do just that moving forward at this particular venture. Hopefully. Maybe. Well, they'd see in the coming moments and the heat of all of this depending on how well their 'fight' instead of 'flight' instincts were right now.... [@PKMNB0Y][@Thunder999999][@Crimson Paladin][@Expendable]