Chas found it sad but not surprising that luck wasn't always on the kid's side, considering it seemed their families stayed linked to John in the future. What did surprise him however was the kid's next question. "Uhh...8 I think?" He replied as he have it a quick think off the top of his head. "Yeah, I saved souls" he repeated more aure of his answer this time. Fia looked between her dad and Serena as they spoke and couldn't help but smirk slightly, happy that John was taking an interest in seeing how capable she was. "you're gonna be fine Serena" she reassured, before she looked back at the book and took a deep to centre herself. Something she was always told to do if it was at all possible. She really didn't want to mess this up and disappoint John, even though technically he wasn't yet her dad in this time. She began to recite the spell in the book, holding out one hand to hover it over the circle around Serena as she did so. Her pronunciation was perfect of the Latin she spoke, a by product of the teaching she underwent in her time. The spell made her eyes glow their phoenix golden hue. Shadows of her phoenix wings cast out onto the walls behind her, despite the wings not revealing themselves physically.