[color=lightgray][right][sub][@LovelyComplex] & [@Aces Away] TIMESTAMP: Afterschool, a couple hours before the game Small FT: [color=C95F08]Hirsch "Hershey" Goldstein[/color] (Jonah's older brother, Decky's uncle) Texts to [color=FF99C5]Stella[/color] [@Melissa], [color=ffff1e]Emilia[/color] [@NeoAJ], & [color=80e520]Piper [/color] [/sub][/right] [center][b][color=#C45508]_[/color][color=#C4570A]_[/color][color=#C4590C]_[/color][color=#C45C0F]_[/color][color=#C45E11]_[/color][color=#C56014]_[/color][color=#C56316]_[/color][color=#C56518]_[/color][color=#C5671B]_[/color][color=#C56A1D]_[/color][color=#C66C20]_[/color][color=#C66E22]_[/color][color=#C67124]_[/color][color=#C67327]_[/color][color=#C67529]_[/color][color=#C7782C]_[/color][color=#C77A2E]_[/color][color=#C77D31]_[/color][color=#C77F33]_[/color][color=#C78135]_[/color][color=#C88438]_[/color][color=#C8863A]_[/color][color=#C8883D]_[/color][color=#C88B3F]_[/color][color=#C88D41]_[/color][color=#C98F44]_[/color][color=#C99246]_[/color][color=#C99449]_[/color][color=#C9964B]_[/color][color=#C9994D]_[/color][color=#CA9B50]_[/color][color=#CA9D52]_[/color][color=#CAA055]_[/color][color=#CAA257]_[/color][color=#CBA459]_[/color][color=#CBA059]_[/color][color=#CC9C58]_[/color][color=#CC9857]_[/color][color=#CD9356]_[/color][color=#CD8F55]_[/color][color=#CE8B54]_[/color][color=#CE8753]_[/color][color=#CF8252]_[/color][color=#CF7E52]_[/color][color=#D07A51]_[/color][color=#D07650]_[/color][color=#D1714F]_[/color][color=#D16D4E]_[/color][color=#D2694D]_[/color][color=#D2654C]_[/color][color=#D3604B]_[/color][color=#D35C4B]_[/color][color=#D4584A]_[/color][color=#D45349]_[/color][color=#D54F48]_[/color][color=#D54B47]_[/color][color=#D64746]_[/color][color=#D64245]_[/color][color=#D73E44]_[/color][color=#D73A43]_[/color][color=#D83643]_[/color][color=#D83142]_[/color][color=#D92D41]_[/color][color=#D92940]_[/color][color=#DA253F]_[/color][color=#DA203E]_[/color][color=#DB1C3D]_[/color][color=#DB183C]_[/color][/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eS2Srqb.png[/img] [b][color=#C45508]_[/color][color=#C4570A]_[/color][color=#C4590C]_[/color][color=#C45C0F]_[/color][color=#C45E11]_[/color][color=#C56014]_[/color][color=#C56316]_[/color][color=#C56518]_[/color][color=#C5671B]_[/color][color=#C56A1D]_[/color][color=#C66C20]_[/color][color=#C66E22]_[/color][color=#C67124]_[/color][color=#C67327]_[/color][color=#C67529]_[/color][color=#C7782C]_[/color][color=#C77A2E]_[/color][color=#C77D31]_[/color][color=#C77F33]_[/color][color=#C78135]_[/color][color=#C88438]_[/color][color=#C8863A]_[/color][color=#C8883D]_[/color][color=#C88B3F]_[/color][color=#C88D41]_[/color][color=#C98F44]_[/color][color=#C99246]_[/color][color=#C99449]_[/color][color=#C9964B]_[/color][color=#C9994D]_[/color][color=#CA9B50]_[/color][color=#CA9D52]_[/color][color=#CAA055]_[/color][color=#CAA257]_[/color][color=#CBA459]_[/color][color=#CBA059]_[/color][color=#CC9C58]_[/color][color=#CC9857]_[/color][color=#CD9356]_[/color][color=#CD8F55]_[/color][color=#CE8B54]_[/color][color=#CE8753]_[/color][color=#CF8252]_[/color][color=#CF7E52]_[/color][color=#D07A51]_[/color][color=#D07650]_[/color][color=#D1714F]_[/color][color=#D16D4E]_[/color][color=#D2694D]_[/color][color=#D2654C]_[/color][color=#D3604B]_[/color][color=#D35C4B]_[/color][color=#D4584A]_[/color][color=#D45349]_[/color][color=#D54F48]_[/color][color=#D54B47]_[/color][color=#D64746]_[/color][color=#D64245]_[/color][color=#D73E44]_[/color][color=#D73A43]_[/color][color=#D83643]_[/color][color=#D83142]_[/color][color=#D92D41]_[/color][color=#D92940]_[/color][color=#DA253F]_[/color][color=#DA203E]_[/color][color=#DB1C3D]_[/color][color=#DB183C]_[/color][/b][/center] [indent][indent]When Ethan Green found out that both Sully and Decky were [i]not[/i] heading to his house but instead at Dom’s Garage, one working and one doing homework, probably, the leader of the Elite adjusted his plans, once again, to get things moving for his party. There wouldn’t be any party if there was no vineyard and the only one who would be allowed to use it was not the Green driving but the one home likely laying on his bed staring up at his ceiling, thinking about a Tigress. [color=#cba55a]“Text Agent Coffee: Hey, I’m heading there now. Prepare Decky for me. Send.” [/color] Pulling the turn signal lever, Ethan shifted to the right lane and prepared to get off the next exit. [color=#cba55a]“Text Babe: not going to the game. Busy night but I can’t wait to see you in your sexy dress tomorrow. Sorry about today. Just… been a day. Thinking of you.”[/color] He wasn’t completely lying. Today had been a day and his brother needed him. Still he knew it didn’t excuse his behavior of ignoring his three girlfriends. [color=#cba55a]“Send.”[/color] The text had gone to the ether and straight to Stella. He glanced at the digital clock on the dashboard, knowing time was of the essence. The last thing he needed was his brother sleeping for the rest of the day because he just wanted to dream of a girl climbing on top of him. [color=#cba55a]“Text Baby: hey sweetheart, I’m shopping for my party. Let me know if you want anything. I hope you have someone to keep you company during the game. Kisses. See you tomorrow.”[/color] When he reached a stoplight, Ethan quickly glanced at his speech to text before saying, [color=#cba55a]“Send.” [/color] He only talked that sweet to one person and that was Emilia. One last girl and then he would have done his duty of the day and could focus on making sure his party was guaranteed one of the best, scenic spots his family owned at a reasonable driving distance. [color=#cba55a]“Text Bae: Okay, please don’t kill me but my brother has not been doing okay. I know I should’ve told you but I’ve been busy keeping him afloat and planning an epic party. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, promise. Talk when we can.” [/color]Having already left the stoplight, Ethan was going down one last street when he finally began approaching the Garage. [color=#cba55a]“Send.”[/color] Piper would be receiving a text soon enough and now he felt accomplished, finally able to relax and worry about his boyfriend duties another day. He was free and had party planning to focus on. He pulled into the garage and parked his Mercedes-Maybach in the spot right by the entrance. He honked fast to make his presence known but not be too obnoxious. He was here and he was ready to get two boys into gear. Decky slammed his head into the bottom of the car he was working under at the sudden honk, cursing vividly as he pushed himself out from beneath and sat up on his creeper, a hand to his throbbing skull. Hirsch didn’t even look up from his spot in the chair sat just a bit away from the car, having spent the time during Decky’s shift handing the boy the necessary objects with one hand and rifling through shop files with the other. Honestly, despite the few years spent with him in the shop now, Decky still wasn’t quite sure what his second youngest uncle [i]did[/i] here. Hirsch raised a judgmental eyebrow Decky’s way but said nothing as the younger grumbled his expletives and stood up, wiping his hands with a greasy rag that barely helped clean them. Decky tossed the dirty cloth at his uncle and, much to his chagrin, the man who looked younger than both Decky and Jonah caught it before it hit his face. The look he got once the rag was lowered was enough to light a fire under his ass and send him quickly trudging towards the entrance of the shop. From the break room came Sully, who left behind little Danny to continue his own studies, and the Boaz brothers’ anxious uncle Zo, who was tearing through the box of donuts as a way to cope with his nerves over his wife Pepper, who would be having their baby any day now. Sully even left behind some lollipops for Danny, who already had one in his mouth. Before the door swung closed behind the internet eye-catcher, Decky saw Danny hesitantly reach out and pat their uncle’s arm in comfort, not looking up from his textbooks, journal, and paperwork. He couldn’t help but smile for a brief moment before it dropped back into his usual scowl as Sully reached his side. [color=#c45508]“Ethan is here. I was supposed to tell you he was comin’,” [/color]The boy in the baseball cap said simply. [color=#dc143c]“No shit. Ya didn’t fuckin’ tell me though.”[/color] [color=#c45508]“I was studyin’ with Danny.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“You’r-”[/color] Decky stopped himself with a sigh, knowing that anything he said to the other boy would go in one ear and right out the other. To Sully it was really that simple, he was studying and didn’t want to break concentration, maybe even couldn’t without losing it completely. He’d probably barely even glanced at Ethan’s text and, given his poor short term memory, it had likely immediately left his mind until the rich boy had rolled up. Plus, Danny liked his study buddy, and he’d be upset if Decky scolded him for focusing over telling him what a text said. [color=#dc143c]“It’s fine.”[/color] They walked up to the car and Decky glared into the driver’s seat at the brunette that sat there. [color=#dc143c]“What?”[/color] [color=#cba55a]“I will pay you double your shift if you take today off to hang with my bro,”[/color] Ethan casually commanded, cutting to the chase. Taking out his wallet and pulling out hard cash, he asked, [color=#cba55a]“How much do you get paid an hour? 20?”[/color] It was obvious that Ethan Green didn’t want to waste time. He had shit to do and if it meant throwing cash in his boy’s face, he would. For his party, he [b]would[/b]. [color=#cba55a]“Tell me your price because my party won’t be a thing without Andy asking my dad permission and Andy already said he’d tell dad that: he has friends. My bro does not have friends, my guy,”[/color] the Green explained, exasperated at how complicated his older twin brother made this for him. [color=#cba55a]“No joke. Name your price and I’ll give you the money. You and Sully need to get in the car before my brother falls the fuck to sleep. Without you, my party won’t happen and I [b]need[/b] it to happen. It’s supposed to set the tone for the rest of the year. Seriously. If your boss needs me to explain why I need you, I will. Now what’s it going to be?” [/color] [color=#c45508]“That was…a lot of words [i]really[/i] fast,”[/color] Sully said with a frown to mirror the one on Decky’s face. [color=#dc143c]“I got the gist,”[/color] the mechanic grumbled with an irritated roll of his eyes. [color=#dc143c]“The fuck is with ya rich people and thinkin’ ya can throw money at everythin’? This is my fuckin’ job-”[/color] [color=#b45a10]“Just go.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Fuck!”[/color] Decky flinched violently, almost cartoonishly, away from his uncle's sudden presence next to him, the shorter man's shoes surprisingly silent on the typically squeaky floor. Hirsch gave him an unimpressed look that covered the concern to those that weren't family and didn't know what to look for. The baby faced man took the wad of money from Ethan's grasp and shoved it in the front pocket of Decky's greasy work shirt. [color=#dc143c]“Uncle Hirsch I got-”[/color] [color=#b45a10]“Compensated for a day's work,”[/color] he cut in, easily taking off the suit jacket he tended to walk around in and leaving him in a basic white tee. Without the slimming design and with his arms and muscles exposed, Hirsch was a little closer to actually looking the 21 he was instead of the teenager people often mistook him for. He held his jacket loosely at his side and cracked his neck before staring blandly at Decky. [color=#b45a10]“I'll finish your workload here today, just get him out of here,”[/color] he glanced at the Green boy and his disheveled state. [color=#b45a10]“Your brother is comforting your uncle in the break room, but I can only handle so many unhinged energies in this place without Jonah or Eiran around. Please get out.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Uncle Eir-”[/color] [color=#b45a10]“I can handle my brother. Go.”[/color] Decky stood there for another moment, staring at his uncle's unyielding gaze while trying to contain the major bitchface that wanted to take over his normal scowl. Decky didn't [i]want[/i] to go, but Hirsch was making it very clear that he didn't have a choice. He looked over to Sully for support, but was left to sigh dejectedly at the glazed over look in the other's eyes as he stared at nothing against the far wall. Looks like studying had taken a lot out of him today, and Sully.exe would not be functional until he got some rest. [color=#dc143c]“Fine,”[/color] Decky spat, knowing he'd lost on all sides already[color=#dc143c]. “But drive safe and keep the fuckin’ music down so Sully can sleep on the way,”[/color] said boy didn't respond beyond tilting his head when he heard his own name, and his fellow gearhead released a desperate sigh as his uncle turned away and disappeared to go work on the car that had previously been Decky’s job. He grabbed Sully roughly by the back of the collar and directed the lost boy towards the backseat. [color=#dc143c]“This is gonna be a fuckin’ shitshow, Green, I hope ya know that.”[/color] [color=#cba55a]“That’s what makes this exciting, Boaz, don’t you think?”[/color] Ethan grinned at the two boys, primarily addressing the mechanic. He was ready to book it the moment their asses touched the car seats. [color=#cba55a]“Now, this is what you need to know about my dad…” [/color] This was going to be lit. [/indent][/indent][/color]