[center][h3]Kazenosuke's House[/h3][/center] [center][b]KAZENOSUKE, DANCING BLADE[/b][/center] [center]~ [@AzureKnight] (VRA), [@The Irish Tree] (VIV), [@Rezod92] ~[/center] [quote=Vivian][color=7bcdc8][b]"I have a sneaking suspicion they're trying to eliminate two birds with one stone. Kazenosuke, one of the most skilled fighters in the land, and three monsters that had just exhausted him. Strategically speaking, killing us all now while we're exhausted cleans things up nicely, Oh, and, if these are Varjans, I will have to remind you that you were indifferent to those who'd have a knife at your back at the earliest convenience."[/b][/color][/quote] Kazenosuke was not swayed by [u]Zeka's[/u] or [u]Vară's[/u] words, but [u]Vivian's[/u] assumptions elicited a reaction out of him. "[color=indianred]Pfffft... Bahahahahahaha![/color]" He laughed out loud. The dancing swordsman waved a free hand, and all the crows that perched in the surrounding trees flew away to resume their lives. "[color=indianred]Unfortunately, no Varjan I know can do what I can.[/color]" Kazenosuke allowed the three yokai a moment to realize he had power over the black-plumed avians. "[color=indianred]But they have their own ways in wielding animals in combat. Good old-fashioned training, which I suppose makes them better than me.[/color]" With the crows all gone, the exhausted Kazenosuke leaned back into the wooden wall of his abode. "[color=indianred]Alright, alright. You girls win, I give up.[/color]" He surrendered, tiredly sheathing his blade. Kazenosuke closed his eyes before raising a finger at the yokai. "[color=indianred]You girls fought pretty hard. You fought to win. I could feel all that in our spar.[/color]" The dancing swordsman surmised. "[color=indianred]But what I can't figure out is why? Why fight this hard for an island with no yokai and whose denizens hate you? You three could be out there living... I don't know, peaceful lives literally anywhere else.[/color]" Kazenosuke was almost complaining in the taskforce's behalf. "[color=indianred]...There are no riches here. Nor is the island strategic, I think. Yokai only come here for men, and I can feel that none of you are particularly looking.[/color]" "[color=indianred]And you three do realize that no matter what he says, Takeshi can just stab you in the backs once the Varjans are vanquished. Right?[/color]" The swordsman finished. "[color=indianred]You have to know that. None of you are stupid.[/color]" [hr] [center][h3]Unknown Forest[/h3][/center] [center][b]KAGEHO, INNOCENT SHADOW[/b][/center] [center]~ [@The Irish Tree] (MAT) ~[/center] [quote=Matsuri Okitsu][color=fdc68a][b]"Okay! So, Lord Takeshi has gotten help from Lady Kyouko, who's sent monsters from Zipangu like me, and others from other places here to help you all out. I think its because nobody wants Varjo to have a big foothold out here,"[/b][/color][/quote] "[color=firebrick]Lord Takeshi... willingly collaborating with yokai.[/color]" The shinobi girl remarked darkly. "[color=firebrick]Grim tidings...[/color]" [quote=Matsuri Okitsu][color=fdc68a][b]"...So anyways, I'm just super glad that I found you! Takeshi said there was a whole other wave of Shinobi that might be with you, so...are they also hiding out here in the forest? Takeshi can use all the help you can provide!"[/b][/color][/quote] "[color=firebrick]Indeed, there are still many of us. Lord Hideo, Lord Takeshi's father, actually ordered all of us to try and find a way to pass through the Varjan blockade to get help.[/color]" Kageho suddenly stopped to correct herself. "[color=firebrick][i]Human[/i] help. We were to keep sending out operatives until someone succeeded or all of us died. It was Lord Takeshi who rescinded the order behind his father's back, instead ordering us to simply hide and fortify what we can.[/color]" "[color=firebrick]I thought it was a mercy from Lord Takeshi, but now I suspect darker motives if he sought help from yokai...[/color]" It appeared [u]Matsuri's[/u] phrasing had caused a misunderstanding in Kageho's mind. "[color=firebrick]...I cannot promise aid, but I will meet with Takeshi for an explanation.[/color]" Kageho put away her sickles, the blades gleaming ominously at the young Inari. "[color=firebrick]Make your way back to Lord Takeshi. I will follow you from the shadows.[/color]" And with that, the shinobi disappeared into the darkness of the night. Seemingly leaving [u]Matsuri[/u] alone. With her objective accomplished, [u]Matsuri[/u] can head back to Terauchi Temple or go somewhere else. [hr] [center][h3]Terauchi Temple[/h3][/center] [center]~ [@Enkryption] (UMI & RCD), [@AzureKnight] (KIR & LAV) ~[/center] [quote=Kirei Kannazuki][color=beige]”Uh...Perhaps we should leave these two along, Ayu-san?”[/color][/quote] "[color=limegreen]Yeah, I think we should.[/color]" She replied with a sigh. Unfortunately, the sisters would be done with their 'session' before either Ayu or [u]Kirei[/u] could leave. [quote=Ripcord]"[color=008000]Spywoman, where’s Takeshi at? I’d rather not wander this place on a fruitless endeavor.[/color]"[/quote] Ayu was looking away from [u]Ripcord[/u] and [u]Umami[/u], but returned her gaze once her attention was called. "[color=limegreen]He's here somewhere. Don't you worry.[/color]" She replied, again with a sigh. "[color=limegreen]Let me fetch him so I can just leave him to deal with you two.[/color]" "I am being summoned?" Just as Ayu turned around, Takeshi had arrived after overhearing his name being uttered. "I was curious on why some of the refugees were moving away from here so I came to check. It seems someone's looking for me." "[color=limegreen]Yep. The sisters over there seem to need your help.[/color]" Ayu pointed at the [u]Claremont[/u] sisters with a thumb. "[color=limegreen]There's a mark on the Shoggoth girl's neck that won't come off.[/color]" "Hmm, let me see." Takeshi approached the sisters, [u]Ripcord[/u] in particular, and immediately found and recognized the mark. "Huh, so the Varjans know how to put one of these." The young lord said. "I don't know what the Varjans call it, but here we call it 'Marked For Death'. It's a fairly simple marking spell that helps hunters designate prey, preventing the targets from effectively hiding. Other than that, it's quite harmless albeit annoying. The spell isn't that used anymore since it's more work preparing the spell than building a trap or something similar." "Removing it is also fairly simple, although quite intimate and some might call disgusting. I can perform the removal process if you want it gone immediately." Takeshi offered to [u]Ripcord[/u]. "I would teach it to your sister, but the ritual requires Spirit Energy." [hr] [hr] [hr] [center]~~ TAKESHI'S JOURNEY ~~[/center] [hider=Nobutada, Unwavering Will] "There's a monastery east of here called Fung Temple. There's a monk there named Nobutada. He's one of the most sturdiest people I know, able to weather blows that could shatter boulders. When my father called for the monks of Fung Temple, I didn't see Nobutada among them. If he's still alive, he'll be in the monastery and he can lend us his aid." [/hider] [hider=Sorae, Gentle Protector] "Sorae's skill with the naginata is fearsome and second to none. She and her clan was summoned to Sanjo Beach, but never appeared. We should head to their estate in the west and find out what happened to them and, if possible, recruit them to our cause." [/hider] [hider=Kageho, Innocent Shadow (ONGOING)] "Kageho is a shinobi who was supposed to attempt to sneak through the Varjan blockade alongside others. The last wave of shinobi that we could send. I... ordered them not to go anymore, behind my father's back, since it would have been a waste and the Varjans were upon us. It was too late to call for reinforcements from the other islands. Still, I expected her to show up in Sanjo Beach with the other shinobi. But they didn't. Anyway, their hideout should be around here somewhere. Try looking for any suspicious clearings in the forests around here. We can use their help." [/hider] [hider=Kazenosuke, Dancing Blade (ONGOING)] "Kazenosuke could deflect any attack with his spinning blade, and deliver slashes faster than the eye could see. I have no idea why he couldn't make it to Sanjo Beach. I know he's a ronin, but he still should have heeded my father. Well, his house is near Terauchi Temple. Not very near, but just follow the river near the temple and we'll find his home and then we can ask for his help." [/hider] [hider=Yurine, Death Keeper] "Yurine has taken care of Clan Oja for as long as I can remember. Despite being a servant, I know she can swing her masakari axe pretty hard. I've little idea of her past but I know it involves tending cemeteries. She should be in Castle Oja but my father sent her to Onrai to begin enacting some way to protect the graves from being desecrated by the invaders. I know of a famous cemetery south of Terauchi Temple. We can begin looking for her there and she'll surely help us." [/hider] [hider=Kikyo, Ever Faithful] "My childhood friend Kikyo was on an anti-yokai mission before all of this. I... was kind of glad she couldn't be on the beach and hoped that maybe she'll find a way to escape and live a full life elsewhere. But I know she would never do that. If she's coming back, she would definitely head for Port Wadatsumi in the southeast. We should find her before she does anything... drastic." [/hider] [center]~~ TALES OF SHIZUYAMA ~~[/center] [hider=Honey Trap] There was a villager woman, crying alone near a large tree within Terauchi Temple. "Yokai, could I speak with you? A group of bandits is terrorizing Sanjo. They slaughtered my whole family, like animals! They were killed at our home, near a river. I am Saki, please avenge my family and stop those bandits." [/hider] [hider=No Place Like Home] An upset woman noticed the taskforce member approaching. "As if losing our homes wasn't bad enough, we have to see Varjans in them as well. They took a home nearby a few days ago. The man who lived there won't leave the area. He keeps begging for help." [/hider] [hider=Shizuyama's Freedom] A villager sitting on some stone steps in the temple stood up when the taskforce member approached. "Yokai, I've heard of a small resistance group gathering in the Imahama Area. I believe they're headed by a shrine priestess who wasn't present in Sanjo Beach." "They're recruiting farmers and fishermen to their cause. Brave, but it'll be dangerous if they're not properly trained." [/hider] [hider=Hunter-Killer: First Encounter] There was a villager man sitting in a corner, quaking in fear. "Yokai, there's a warrior in Yagata Shipyard clad in black with a bandaged head. He seemed to have slaughtered all the Varjans there and freed me and a few other prisoners." "He told me to tell you that he wants to meet the taskforce so they could kill him. I'm not sure what's going on with that guy but he gives me the creeps." [/hider]