[b]Additions to the lore:[/b] [hider=The lunar syndicate]While today the vast majority of species appears to live in peace and harmony with one another, the way leading to this state was harsh and littered with obstacles to overcome. For some species such as humans, overcoming their alleged greed and tendency for superstition was difficult enough, but others had entirely different inner beasts to deal with. In case of lycanthropes, it was their nack for... hunting and happily eating away at other people among many other beings. How does one replace what is not a process of thought, but a part of the foodchain ? While the lunar syndicate is most likely not the perfect answer to this question, it is definitely better at it then its name might suggest. The syndicate is not an organisation of crime, but more of a collective attempt at preventing those from happening. It is a honorary collective of people who try to provide advice and other assistance to those lycanthropes struggling with their inner beast, trying to prevent the worst from happening while also serving at a listening post and public representation for their kind of people as a whole. Branches can be found in several of the major cities and smaller, more mobile agents travel the countryside frequently in order to stay in contact or advertise the syndicate's existence. That being said, of course there are those who still deem the syndicate to be more of a shady business. Accusations are rather frequent, but solid proof so far was nowhere to be found.[/hider] [b]Character played:[/b] [hider=Vodilic][center][h3]Vodilic[/h3] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8a/e4/8c/8ae48c8c395265e8e4ef141cccc4af15.jpg[/img] [hider=Shapeshifted][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/fa/6e/c9/fa6ec94ea99ebdd6a222a2d242e55d99.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [b]Race:[/b] Lycanthrope (werewolf), once ordinary human [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Height:[/b] 5'9 (in human form) [b]Weight:[/b] He looks like maybe 180 lbs given that he slightly overweight, but that number is quite a bit away from reality. [b]Gender:[/b] Male Vodilic is the 'offspring' of a not so fortunate event happening in a small village called 'Mavaughal' that normally hardly anybody would care about. That day however and with him still being a far too young boy to fully grasp what actually happened, things were different. Peasants and merchants fled the streets into their houses as a beast with long, scraggly hair seemed to stop for... pretty much everyone. To bite them, to rip parts off them, to kill. Vodilic was a tad too slow to ram the door shut behind him and felt a pair of far too large teeth dig into his foot. He has a moderate limp from this injury up to the present day, but much more importantly he has cheated death at the cost of the curse. It took some time and help to get some newfound feral instincts and desires under control, but one can say that Vodilic has reached the point of nobody noticing that he's even anything different than a nice looking, medium-sized youngster. Only upon closer inspection one might find his ability for heavy lifting a tad suspicious or the fact that he somehow seems to be much, much heavier than he looks like.[/hider]