[b][i]Constantine XI Shielder Lily[/i][/b] [hider=Boy on a Motorbike][img]https://i.imgur.com/brnQluU.jpeg[/img][/hider] Constantine XI Shielder Lily had bought a [i]proper[/i] motorcycle with a flag bearing the [url=https://imgur.com/zGxG4iU]Palaiologos Coat of Arms[/url] waving from a pole at the rear of the vehicle - The boy Servant was not afraid to announce his presence, even as he, from a side rode, drove up to Jan and spoke in Greek, "Hey, hey, you must be a Rider, and one proud of your exploits in defense of Christendom, too! Let's drive to an abandoned lot, shall we? We do not want to endanger the local populace." And without waiting for Jan's acknowledgement, Constantine XI Shielder Lily, who closely resembled a certain Marty Stu, Stock Light Novel Harem Protagonist from a popular series of media, drove off for the nearest abandoned lot or construction site, saying, "Last one to reach the battle site is a rotten Turk!" He then winked at a nearby CCTV camera as he did so, daring anyone who used mundane surveillance to interfere. As he found a suitable construction site where the workers had all left for the night, using his Motorcycle's horn to warn off any security guards, Shielder looked for a suitable place to park his new and shiny motorcycle before looking around for Jan under the assumption the Rider had followed him. He then spoke, "Oh, hey, you're Sigismund of Bohemia, right? That guy from Nicopolis? Or are you Wladyslaw of Poland or John Hunyadi? Wait, I recognize your cockade - You must be Jan Sobeski!" Constantine XI then shamelessly began fanboying, "You are so cool if you are! You already know who I am, right? I'm Constantine, Constantine XI! You don't deserve lies, so I won't say I'm a Rider too like I planned - No; I'm a Shielder and I don't think anyone here knows who a Shielder is and how to fight one... So I still have the advantage of secrecy." He then drew his sword, which shone with black and white angelic flames and said, "So, want to have a good scrap?" [@GubGar]