[img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/b1/c1/e1/b1c1e141d4a3157a177ffeb93ec451e3.jpg[/img] [h2][b][color=00a651]Shou Iwata[/color][/b][/h2] "[color=00a651]hmmmm[/color]" Shou was deep in thought either they sit around like ducks and don't do anything or go out and try to find other masters to attack. "[color=00a651]I think...[/color]" Shou's response would determine how the holy grail war would go for them would they be sitting ducks or bloodthirsty attackers? "[color=00a651]I think we should go out and attack.[/color]" They wouldn't win the grail war by just sitting around. And with the sword he had he could stave off using mana, "[color=00a651]but the question is how[/color]" how would they find the other masters how would they draw them out to fight. "If we're going to fight we're going to need to use a bait to draw out the other masters." Who that bait would be Shou didn't know. He would say Hang should go since he's a servant and would draw more attention towards himself than Shou.