[center][h3]Vodilic[/h3][/center] Being out in the wilderness felt rather relaxing as a beast, but not so much as a human. From a purely logical point of view it probably was a weird thing for he should have known the place and its lack of dangers all too well, but the increasing darkness around him triggered an almost discomfording level of alertness. Was there a big bear hiding in the shadows ? A boar who could try to run him over in a panic or an act of aggression ? The fact that there was still some morning haze left surviving in between the tree trunks didn't make things any better. [i]It's just a dense forest...[/i] Vodilic tried to calm himself, but his senses, partly animalistic still, kept pushing their findings into his mind: a suspicious cracking here, the smell of a small creek there, and hadn't he just trampled over some animal trails ? Part of him wished to swap places with his horse at this point. It was commonly said that these were runaway animals, right ? Then why was it perfectly relaxed and he was the one on alert then ? Okay, maybe it was just happy about the break as well. Yet there was absolutely noone to blame than Vodilic himself. He had made it his very own choice to keep of the proper roads in order to take this 'shortcut', but the more he ventured on the more it dawned upon the lycanthrope that sheer distance alone might not be the most appropriate metric to judge how far away a certain destination was. He'd return to some more beaten path as soon as possible, that was for sure! Carefully, Vodilic wrapped his padded fur cloak tighter around him. It felt rather frigid and it also was. Good thing he had taken his good boots for this, otherwise he'd already have ended up with wet feet and a cold. Part of him hoped to find some company while another part of him hoped for the opposite. Both had their pros and cos and he just couldn't decide yet. Maybe this would change once having seen another soul again, but maybe he should just try and turn and move forward on four paws instead of two feet ? Could make things a lot more efficient, but also more dangerous in some way...