[centre][img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/Dark%20Heritage/Gajah%20Mada%20Servant%20Card_resized.png[/img] [b][i]Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya and Gajah Mada[/i][/b] ((Collab post with [@Letter Bee].)) [/centre] [hr] [b]"Sure!"[/b] Lorenzo said as Saber requested that he teach her how to use computers, [b]"We can start right now, once you've cleaned up."[/b] One whacked Familiar later, and Lorenzo remarked, [b]"Hmm, we may have Anasasi or Arachne as foes; probably as a Caster if their use of Spiders as Familiars are any indication."[/b] There was no way to know for sure until they finally met Caster, Gajah Mada agreed with her master that a spider familiar would narrow their suspect quite a bit. Although... [color=39b54a]"Assuming that it wasn't a work of one of the masters, of course,"[/color] she reminded her Master. After all, they only found a familiar, it could very well be the master's. Then upon viewing Jan and Constantine's fight, Lorenzo spoke to Gajah Mada, [b]"All right, Saber, let's go; I'll take a smartphone with a live feed with me so that we don't get blindsided by any recent developments, while at the same time... There's an electric bicycle in one of the sheds. Let's take it while I strengthen the Bounded Fields against intrusion."[/b] [color=39b54a]"Fair warning, Master, my riding skill is quite low. Comparatively, these two servants appear to be quite adept at it, don't expect us to win in a chase, should it come down to it. But aside from that...I agree that we should join the fray. Neither of them appeared to be making much effort to conceal their fight, there is a possibility that this fight would also draw other Servants, making it a good chance to gather intel on them. After all, there are certain things we can only ascertain by engaging our opponent in battle than mere surveillance."[/color]