[hr][center][h3]Neir - The Drunken Bear[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/JhorTIT.png[/img] 《 Level 1 Curious Cat 》 [@ERode][@TheMushroomLord][@PKMNB0Y][/center][hr] [hider=CONNOR'S DISCOVERIES][list][*]Acquired "Shitty Cloak!" [*]Acquired "Knife Bandolier!" [*]"Caliboard, the Holy 2x4." [*]Learned "Push!" [*]Learned "Cut!"[/list][/hider] [quote]"A... Doggy bag? ...Oh, you wanted to bring him leftovers." she finally said before glancing back towards where the elf had thrown up mere moments earlier. "...I don't think he'd be able to keep it down, to be honest. It'd be better to just let him drink water for now and let the healers—and maybe a chirurgeon—do what they need to. I'll treat him some other time."[/quote] "Oh, no, not him." [i]Is calling it a doggy bag offensive to cat people?[/i] "I meant for "S," the other person in our shack..." Connor clarified. "They, uh, kinda have a hard time getting anything for themselves right now, if we can I'd like to get back as soon as possible..." Miera led him out of the slums and through the gatehouse into the actual town, thankfully taking any suspicion off the otherworlder. As they walked and talked she explained more about this world's take on the usual Adventurers' Guild tropes. [i]Eight ranks that are "normal," and three that are "legendary," although she might've left off a few.[/i] Connor noted. [i]Her plate's...I'd call that either copper or bronze.[/i] So Miera was either a third-level or fifth, and she was capable of swinging a sword nearly as big as she was fast enough to overwhelm a "rogue type" opponent. Connor didn't know much about martial arts or if magic in this world could enhance physical abilities, but he assumed that would put the catgirl in "peak human athlete" territory. If he were to highball that assessment, then... [i]Peak human would be like Captain America, so if that's bronze level...maybe Iron is just someone who's a "properly trained professional," Copper could be someone with an intermediate level of training, Tin would be a rookie...[/i] So even someone like him could probably pass whatever test was needed to become a Wood-ranked adventurer, and maybe he wouldn't even be expected to fight monsters yet. Cruising by on the typical herb-gathering quests was perfectly fine by him. When they entered the tavern, he felt his heart rate speeding up. The number of people talking, the clinking of dishes, the crackling of a fire pit... [i]Focus, focus, don't get overstimulated, don't freak out, you can do this, you're a soon-to-be-OP isekai protagonist now...[/i] "What?" he half shouted when the waitress asked them what they wanted to drink. He gulped nervously as she repeated herself, but he still wasn't sure exactly what she'd said. He only caught "water" and "beer," and then Meira asked for water so he was able to piece it together. It wasn't that he [i]couldn't[/i] hear her, but rather that he couldn't seem to shut out everyone else. God, he hated crowds! "Beer!" he said, nodding rapidly until the waitress left. He sighed and tried to focus on staring at Miera's forehead. "Does this place have a menu? Better yet, what do you recommend if I haven't eaten anything in like..." [i]How long has it actually been since I got on the plane this morning?[/i] "...a day?" Once orders were in and all they had to do was wait, Connor cupped one hand near his ear so he could better hear what Miera had to say to his next questions. "S-so, uh, let's say I'm not familiar with flora and fauna in, um, this region...What kind of monsters does a fella have to look out for around here?" He would carefully sip his beer--he'd drank some in college, though usually only to unwind while gaming or take the edge off after tests--while also occasionally looking around the tavern to gauge what kind of people were around them. "And, um...aside from, folk like yourself and Cassius, what uh...w-what other non-human races are common in the city?" [i]I hope "non-human" is a politically correct way to phrase that...[/i]