[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wi7IBym.png[/img] [h2][b][color=fff79a]Rider - Jan Sobieski[/color][/b][/h2] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] An abandoned lot in Kyoto [b][u]Interacting with:[/u][/b] [@Letter Bee][/center] [hr] Jan's first thoughts, as someone finally accepted his call to action, were something along the lines of; [i]Drat, my own vehicle seems a bit lacking now.. Perhaps I should have asked to see if my Master owned a car I could borrow.. Oh well![/i] Jan shakes off the motorcycle envy easily enough, and listens to the words of the one who accepted his challenge. [b][color=fff79a]"Wahaha! Well-spoken, well-spoken! I have no intention of endangering those who walk in God's light. Lead the way, my young friend!"[/color][/b] As the Shielder lead Jan towards a less populated location to do battle, he may have been surprised to note.. That the Rider was not lagging behind. Despite riding an electric bicycle (a notably slower vehicle), he was keeping perfect pace with Constantine's motorcycle. Jan gives him a wide grin the moment his vehicle's unusual speed was noted, and comes to a skidding halt, Akira bike slide-style, as they arrive at their destination. Before Jan could get a word in, he was ambushed! Not by any sort of attack, but by rapid-fire dialogue. Goodness, this lad was excitable. If he hadn't noticed how well he held himself, he'd question why one so young had been summoned. [color=fff79a][b]"My goodness! To list my name among such impressive company, you do me a great honor. I am impressed you were able to place me so quickly, so I shall not attempt to deceive you. I am Jan Sobieski. It is an honor to meet a fellow defender of Christendom such as yourself, Emperor Constantine! A pity it must be as foes, but such is the way of things."[/b][/color] At that last statement, Jan gives a lax shrug. They would not war in life, this was true. But Jan couldn't help but wonder how he compared. What an exciting event, this Grail War was. To test his lance against the might of history! Jan steps off of his Bicycle, leaving it propped up against a wall as he steps into the center of the area, slinging his duffle bag off of his back, and unzipping it to retrieve his lance. At six feet, it outdistanced his opponent's weapon, but Jan was not foolish enough to believe his advantage of reach would make this an easy victory. [b][color=fff79a]"To be spoken about so positively.. I feel myself on the back foot! Hoho! I shall return your politeness and honesty with some of my own. I am afraid I am more familiar with the concept of Shielder than you may believe."[/color][/b] Holding his lance in one hand, he aims the other skywards, pointing into the starry night. [b][color=fff79a]"My title as the defender of Christendom, and the constellation 'Scutum Sobiescianum' - The Shield of Sobieski - make me eligible for the Shielder class as well! Though, I must confess my parameters would be far lower than yours if I were summoned in that form."[/color][/b] Irrelevant to the current conversation, but Jan also had the potential to be summoned as a Lancer, though Rider certainly suited him best of all classes. With his Shielder self truly only being a credible threat had he been summoned somewhere near his home of Poland. Jan's posture changes, from relaxed to imposing. Slipping into a combat stance, one he clearly had much practice in. But his facial features did not harden, they remained soft, almost joyous. His second love, after his beautiful wife, would always be Battle. [b][color=fff79a]"Now.. as one famed for surprise cavalry charges, I am unused to waiting patiently. But as we are both men of God, it feels only right we treat this as an honorable duel. Are you ready, Emperor Constantine?"[/color][/b]