[hider=Beau Belrose][b]Name[/b]: Beau Belrose [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Appearance[/b]: Beau is a tall man standing at a little over six feet in height. He is slender with all-around defined muscles, especially in his arms and abdominals. He normally shows them off with his skimpier choice of clothes. There is a light tan to his skin from constant sunlight. He maintains it to keep it an even tan that isn't too dark. It's also very smooth and blemishless due to that same care. A spot of color on him is two tattoos: a small violet heart under his left eye and a pink-purple crescent moon on his left shoulder. Other than those, his skin is bare and healthy. On top of a very handsome yet boyish face is curly golden blond hair. Beau's hair is more unruly than it appears but with some extra effort and hair product, he manages it enough so it looks only moderately curly. It's a surprisingly neat-looking hairstyle while also looking very fluffy. He always styles it with some very cute hair clips. The curls frame his face along his brows and cheekbones. The strands don't extend far from his head. In the middle of the frame are some well trimmed, thin eyebrows and very unique eyes. Beau's eyes are two different colors: the right one is blue and the left one is purple which draws people's attention to them. His eyes are a little on the wide side adding a smidge of youthfulness to the otherwise adult man's body. To show off his well-built fit body, Beau wears a lot of sleeveless tops, mid-drifts, and form-fitting shirts. The quality of his clothes are high-quality material to give the man a very posh stylish look. There is a common thing about the clothes he wears which is they are always either purple, pink, or blue with purple being the most commonly worn color and blue being the least. Beau takes very good care of every article of clothing he has, so there is never a stain, wrinkle, or thread out of place making him look very prim. Due to traveling, he's only brought four outfits along with him. The only jewelry he wears is earrings in his left ear. Though it is typically a couple of purple studded ones, he is also known to wear different colors and a couple of dangling earrings. [b]Personality[/b]: Most people view Beau as a charismatic, bubbly, stereotypical dumb blonde. These aren’t exactly incorrect descriptions. He has an aura about him that draws people in and a friendly attitude that keeps people from leaving. Despite how people appear or act toward him, the man is always willing to interact with them. It is hard to tell if he doesn't notice or simply doesn't care when people treat him coldly. More times than not, he is aware of animosity pointed towards him. However, due to his more narcissistic personality, he believes people are just flustered and unaccustomed to being around someone as remarkable as himself. Beau thinks very highly of himself to the point he just feels sad that some people are so very insecure being around him. This makes him try to be the bigger man and be friendly with them in the more. With that behavior of not acknowledging obvious disapproval, he comes off as not very bright. He is very knowledgeable when it comes to his field of interest. Beau is just a very upbeat and extroverted guy who loves to be around people and the center of attention. Being pretty good at reading people, so he uses that to get more compliments out of the people around him. Despite having oozing confidence he is actually quite the lonely boy. Beau tends to cling to people he really cares about though as he has gotten older, he learned to hold back to not scare people away. A lot of this clinginess gets transferred to his Pokemon so that he doesn't frighten his human friends. When it comes to romantic relationships, Beau is quite the hopeless romantic type. He starts off flirty toward those that interest him but doesn't act more than that. Once he falls in love, he falls quickly and hard for the person. He is very experienced in romance understanding very well how to swoon others, but his clingy tendencies become much harder to hold back. The man also has a very bad attraction to bad boys despite knowing that he shouldn't. Beau has a bit of an entitled attitude about how people should treat him. He grew up privileged with a lot of money and an attractive face, which caused people to ogle and indulge him. Thus making him believe people should always treat him like that. He is a very well-known and admired model in the Kalos region, so he also thinks everyone should praise his good looks and style no matter where he goes. Being quite arrogant, Beau walks with his head held high and there are few words that other people can throw at him to upset him. Even though Beau knows he could easily win others over with money, he would rather have them favor him as a person. To achieve this, he is willing to compromise. If all else fails, however, it's not unusual for him to use his wealth and status to get on that person's good side. Beau is interested in traveling around Kalos with friends, but he doesn't particularly care about becoming a Pokemon Trainer. He is slightly more interested in pokemon contests but not by much. Beau is just not a competitive type of person though once he is in, he does the best within his ability. [b]History[/b]: Beau Belrose grew up in a single-parent household and he is the only son of the world-renowned fashion designer, Roselia Belrose. Due to him being the result of a one-night stand, he has never met his father. However, he learned later in life that he was the secret child of the actor Antonie Regnard. He was born in the Lumiose City, Kalos, and lived his entire life there. Despite only having one parent, Beau lived luxuriously with his mother's high pay and his father's compensation money. Since she worked full-time, Beau spent many days alone under the hired help's supervision. So he grew up craving the attention of others when his mother was away. The praises of people around him helped fill the void of loneliness he felt so strongly. Thus it became Beau's everyday goal to do something to get recognition. Desperate to impress people, Beau started watching people closely to see their reactions to his actions. Thus he drove into activities that got people to turn their heads toward him such as cutely done hairstyles and stylish clothing. Then he would cater to others' feelings which made him quite popular among older people and later with his peers when he enrolled in a private school. His popularity was second to only one, André Bellamy whose parents were actors. Eventually when they finally interacted with one other Beau found a sort of kinship to him. This was similar to several people that he became close with. Being praised and hanging out with people who genuinely liked him felt more fulfilling than people just being nice because his mom was famous. The time with his close-knit friends is still his most cherished memory. But life goes on and things change. Slowly but surely his group of friends started drifting away from each other and he lost contact with them. That increased his loneliness exponentially and he subconsciously attempted to fill that sadness more than ever. So whenever he was by myself, he would seek companionship. A lover that would stay with him all day and night although these relationships didn't last too long. It was around that time he was scouted to be a model. Though he was still a teen, he had a good fashion sense thanks to his mother, who was more than happy to design clothes for her son, and the thought of more attention made this opportunity he couldn't pass. Even as he became a successful, well-known model within the Kalos region, that feeling of lonesomeness would still creep in. At least he got his adorable little Espurr, Ciel would be with him now when he felt alone. Then he received a letter from his old friend André, who he knew had become an actor. He thought several times to reach out to him but the man had beaten him to it. The letter talked about going on a Pokemon journey along with several of their mutual friends. While Beau wasn't particularly interested in going on a pokemon journey, the thought of reuniting with his old school friends was just too big of a chance to let slip by. So Beau immediately took a break from his modeling and began preparing for it. [b]Other[/b]:  - He has a distinct Kalosian (french) accent and will interject the words into his normal speech. He tries to keep it to a minimum to not confuse others. - Beau likes cute things and sweets and he is not embarrassed to admit it. - He is quite good at sewing and stitching as he once thought about being a fashion designer like his mother. - Beau is bisexual and will go out with anyone who is at least mildly good-looking. - His Pokemon are rarely ever in their Pokeballs. [b][u]Pokemon[/u][/b] [b]Nickname[/b]: Ciel [b]Species[/b]: Espurr [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Personality[/b]: Most get the impression that Ciel is a shy and quiet Pokemon by the way he stares expressionlessly at a random spot and avoids strangers' eyes. This is actually because the Espurr doesn't like interacting with strangers, so he just silently stares off as a way to ignore them. The Espurr barely even wants to interact with other Pokemon, he is quite antisocial. He is very affectionate only towards Beau looking up at him endearingly and nuzzling him to get him to notice him. He gets pretty annoyed when others take his master's attention away from him. Ciel is quite spoiled and demands vocally when he wants something. Despite being quite a prima donna, Beau is an enabler who keeps spoiling him the same. [b]History[/b]: A couple years back, during Beau's eighteen birthday his ex-lover, Derrick, got him Ciel as a gift. He was newly hatched but unwanted by his previous trainer due to him being runt and not very strong. So he entered Beau's life with distrust toward others. Despite his strong defiance and uncaring attitude, the blond genuine fondness and care toward him warmed his frozen heart. [b]Other[/b]:  - Ciel is noticeably smaller than the average Espurr. - Sometimes he's wearing a very cute outfit. - Has the ability Infiltrator. - He's normally being carried by Beau. ~~~~~~~~~ Sebastian a butler Indeedee also accompanies Beau. He is not officially his Pokemon. He was lent to him mostly to help with day-to-day tasks on his journey. The Pokemon is quite good at attending to him despite his short stature. Some could say he is one heck of a butler Indeedee. [/hider]