[h1][color=#fdd9b5]John Doe[/color][/h1][sub][hr][color=#fdd9b5]Location:[/color] Lower Decks, [i]The Green Horizon[/i], Pacific Ocean [color=#fdd9b5]Mentions:[/color] N/A[/sub] A few clicks, a whirr…the loading of a disk here, there, the electronic hum. The [i]glow[/i] of life within an armored core as a fusion reactor thrummed away. Something was happening, something to trigger the protocols, to initiate a routine here, a scan there. Audio sensors began to intake data before he even moved, filtering out the ambient noises to pinpoint individuals here, there…actions by a great many in the lower decks of the ship. There had never been a lack of actions to process, the whole reason why John Doe had not stayed active during the entire voyage. That and he felt undue attention would draw others to try and salvage his parts. Normally, the Mr Handy would have no qualms about removing a few criminals from their existence, but the lower decks were no place to let rip laser-fire willy-nilly. He was certain some part of another would combust. And so, with all that in mind, John Doe had taken another route. He had been sleeping. Dreams weren’t dreams, not to a Mr Handy, and the startup process was never entirely cleanly done, yet he had been dreaming before. Memories, going over memories again and again and again. Some of them were better than others. The robot had but partial control over which he accessed in such a powered-down state. He remembered the ruins of Portland, the long walk, the Shi. He tried to not remember the Vault. It was not always successful. And yet…and yet he was waking up. The noises of a hawker had gone ignored by the Mr Handy, as well as the casual threats and sounds of metal movement, but what hadn’t gone ignored was a distinct click…a hammer of a gun. He had heard that noise before. A shift in the large, half-rotten canvas tarp that had covered his shell was all John Doe needed to move one of his eyes to see what was going on. One native, Power Armor covering his head, with a knife…and a good number of criminals about, weapons in their hands. Standing against them was a NCR soldier, who was unarmed, and a Super Mutant with a hand cannon. A shift-about in the crew manifest was quick enough…John Doe had scanned that before coming aboard…Andrew Rivers and Hog, respectively. A click-clack…whirr of a motor…the steady stream of power to a laser repeater. Approaching the issue wouldn’t go well, all things considered…yet if they attacked, the Mr Handy felt bound by the law in one way or another to help another US citizen. [hr][i]Readied action If combat initiates between gang and Kahana/Rivers/Hog Activate engine, come to normal height to remove tarp covering, fire on gang with laser repeater[/i]