[color=ffb200][center][h2]Kanako Seiki[/h2][/center][/color] [hr][sub][colour=00aeef]Location[/colour]: 1B dorms,[/sub][hr] Drifting... she was drifting. Her thoughts intertwined and tangled, repeating over and over in her mind. A tick closer to insanity, another psychopathic train of thought in the back of her mind. An echo of a distant memory. Was it a memory? Or just a nightmare? Or a memory of a nightmare of a memory she'd pushed out of her mind long ago. Whatever it was it was resurfacing, and bringing threads of insanity with it. She was running, running from something, people were with her, people she cared about, running from the same something. Who? Blurry faces and mingled thoughts, nothing was right, nothing was anchored, nothing was safe, not anymore. The bang of a gunshot... then fear, panic, grief, and sharp pain on her neck. Light fading, dark dissipating, nothing. This memory, or nightmare, or memory of a nightmare, had played in her head before, last night, and now tonight, she knew why. [color=ffb200][i]No, no, I don't remember this, I'm not going to remember this,[/i][/color] she thought, trying to force the thoughts down. Her hand moved instinctively to the right side of her neck, over the scar she hardly realized was there in the moment. She felt herself slipping closer to insanity, trapped in her own denial. Whether it would be temporary or not she didn't know. Maybe this time she'd drift too far, to the point of no return, that thought terrified her, but she couldn't shake it from her mind. It nagged away at her relentlessly until Kanako realized that for a moment she didn't know where she was, she didn't know what time it was, she hardly knew who [i]she[/i] was... The sound of a notification on her hawkpad brought Kanako back from her thoughts. She jumped, startled back from the edge, then blinked a few times. Looking around her dorm, she tried to center herself in reality again. The minute she was grounded once more in reality, the memory vanished from her mind and she found herself unable to recall it again. She reached over to the bedside table without bothering to sit up. Then turned her head to the side and read the texts from Yusuke. Her first instinct was to read between the lines and see all the ways this could be a murder plot. The lingering paranoia brought bought by the memory was still forefront in her mind. She shook her head and sat up on the bed, rereading the texts again and debunking every paranoid thought with simple logic. After she'd beaten down the paranoia as much as possible she texted back, [i]Okay,[/i] then closed her hawkpad and slipped out of her uniform and put on her street clothes. She was slipping her green hoodie over her head when she was interrupted by her hawkpad's notification sound again. She fixed her hoodie then looked over at the screen and saw the notification about voting for class representatives. Voting was simple enough, she'd already decided earlier who she'd vote for anyways. Mia for female Rep, and Akira for male Rep. She sent in her votes and after voting she picked up her bag and walked out of the dorms through the halls without any particular destination. Walking gave her something to do, something to focus on besides... whatever that had been. This didn't happen often, but when it did she found that moving from one place to another helped, even if she didn't have any particular reason to walk or any particular place she was walking to. Her plan for the night [i]had[/i] been to flop on her bed and sleep, but sneaking off to a French restaurant sounded much more fun, and she wasn't sure sleep would be possible tonight anyways. So she had to find something to keep her busy, keep her mind off of things. Picking who to bring to sneak out was probably a good idea. [color=ffb200][i]Maybe Hebi, either her or Jun,[/i][/color] Kanako thought. She settled on asking Hebi first and focused on what Hebi's voice sounded like, down to the smallest details, pitch, tone, the subconscious and conscious ways her voice fluctuated, then used the passive form of her quirk to try and link their minds for communication. (if Hebi is within 10 meters of Kanako in any direction it succeeds) [color=ffb200][i]Hey, want to sneak out with me and Yusuke later tonight? We're going to a French restaurant,[/i][/color] she thought. Her eyes shifted from their normal yellow-green to a gold-orange that had a dim glow to them like candlelight.