[b][i]Constantine XI Shielder Lily[/i][/b] [hider=Boy on a Motorbike][img]https://i.imgur.com/brnQluU.jpeg[/img][/hider] "As ready as I'll ever be!," Constantine XI Shielder Lily said as he got down from his motorcycle, carefully measuring Jan's posture and other indications of his stance as more flames ran down his sword. "On the count of One... Two... Three... En Guarde!" Then, in a flash of speed, Shielder was upon Rider; Jan would find himself beset by a flurry of cuts, thrusts, and slashes made with the maximum economy of effort - Despite Shielder's defensive orientation, it was clear he knew the benefits of a good offense. Of course, Rider would have a longer reach due to his chosen weapon, but that was fair; the boy Servant had every intention of making this a fair fight! The thrill of combat, mixed with catharsis, was the result of the clash of lance and sword, at least according to Constantine XI Shielder Lily. If he found a lull in the fight, a moment he can get a word in edgewise, he planned to tell Jan, "You know, this ritual is flawed; or some would say altered and broken - Otherwise, [i]Rogue Servants[/i] wouldn't be a thing in this lovely metropolis..." [@GubGar] [b][i]Oleg-Marie Animusphere[/i][/b] Oleg-Marie's voice suddenly broke into Puss' mind as he said telepathically, making use of their Servant bond, [i]I see Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya is here - This means something must [b]really[/b] be amiss.[/i] He then mused, [i]Keep following him and his servant, but be willing to return to my side at the first opportunity - I am meeting with [b]another[/b] Master on neutral ground.[/i] A rueful tone entered his thoughts, [i]The fact that I know him is an advantage - I can sell information about him to Lord El-Melloi to gain leverage; any fondness I have for Emiya must take second place to [b]stopping my father[/b]. I wonder if Kayneth - Lord El-Melloi - will be willing to help me stop him? After all, his plans to create [b]CHALDEAS[/b] is a threat to the way things should be...[/i] Yes, his father, Marisbury, must die. Not for his emotional neglect and abuse but rather because Humanity's dominance over the Universe must not come at the cost of its dignity and self-image as 'righteous'. That, and the sheer inhumanity his father was capable of went above and beyond what a Magus needed or wanted for reaching The Root. He imagined [i]everyone praising him[/i] once his father was exposed and dealt with; that was how he would gain others' love and affection, by [i]saving them all[/i]. [@ManyThings][@GOATPlumber]