[CENTER][h1][u]Stargaze[/u][/h1][/CENTER] Stargaze listened to Shieldwing's answer to her question, and she nods to him in agreement. When he mentioned how he knew how Coryn might be feeling, she nodded in agreement, remembering why she wanted to go after Coryn as well. She answers him, "[b]OK. Let's go,[/b]" before she moves with Shieldwing and after Coryn, following Rudrick's lead, down to the living quarters area. Rudrick proceeds to ask Lazward about Coryn's whereabouts. Upon hearing that Coryn is in the bathroom right now, she figured it was best to wait for Coryn to come out. Barging into the bathroom isn't exactly the best idea. She noticed that the plants are moving on their own, and Lazward was beating it with a feather duster. She tilted her head in curiosity, and she couldn't help but wonder why the plant was acting up like that. Lazward's flat tone also baffled Stargaze. She couldn't tell if they were being serious or if they were joking. [hider=Study Someone Roll]Studying Lazward and the Plant: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/26964]7[/url][/hider]