[table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]DOOMSAYER’S[color=2e2c2c].[/color]DECK[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c8da296a-a1a4-46a0-a07c-c88159698d23.jpg[/img][hr][i][sub]| Harbinger of Pyrrhic Fate |[/sub] "The truth hurts."[/i][hr][sup][b]ORIGINS & CREATIONS:[/b] | Originally the channeler of a white Lux Adept, made into an artifact by a curse. | [b]TYPE:[/b] | Scrying Artifact | [b]LOCATION:[/b] | Shimmer | [b]NOTABLE OWNERS:[/b] | Verona Nash | [b]ABSTRACTION-GRANTING:[/b] | No | [color=2e2c2c].............................................................................[/color][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]Long ago, a white Lux Adept known only by the name of Katherine used a deck of cards as a medium for her spells. She specialized in augury, the art of seeing the future and telling fortunes. Katherine used her Lux to create an inner circle of trusted allies who protected each other while they pursued political interests. One member of this circle became so trusted by Katherine, that she believed they would never even consider crossing her. But this member used blue Lux, and laid a curse upon Katherine’s cards one day. This curse forever warped the deck’s capabilities, and one bad prophecy after another led to Katherine’s downfall. No one knows exactly what happened, but stories imply it was bad. The Doomsayer’s Deck answer questions about the future, specifically the questions about the bad things that will come to pass. The cards will not answer questions about winning the lottery, or what position someone gets promoted to. Rather, it warns that an individual will lose everything chasing a jackpot, or that they will lose their job to another person. The readings are consistently accurate, and if the user is clever, they are more reliable than most forms of fortune telling. But there is a catch, every possible future in which a tragedy can occur is inevitably made worse when it is divined by the deck. If someone was destined to burn their dinner while cooking, the cards could exaggerate the situation into a fire that burns their house down. To receive answers from the deck, one must draw three cards with a question in mind. The first card determines the context of the outcome, the second determines the medium through which it happens, and the third determines the aftermath. Each card has its own meaning, which must be interpreted and memorized by the user. Cards are divided into three suits, representing elements, animals and objects, but may be drawn in any combination depending on the reading. [b]Flame[/b]: Destruction, outbursts, blast radius, literal fire. This card symbolizes explosive downfall, which will only get worse unless stopped quickly. [b]Wave[/b]: Suffocation, unstoppable forces, loss of strength, literal water. This card symbolizes things that simply cannot be avoided, or things that are taken without hope of retrieval. [b]Stone[/b]: Insurmountable odds, immovable objects, overwhelming difficulty, literal rock. This card symbolizes things too great to be overcome, and things that are beyond one’s own power. [b]Gale[/b]: Absolute chaos, surprise, disorienting problems, literal wind. This card symbolizes confusion, and things that catch someone off guard. [b]Star[/b]: Revelation, sudden fear, Icarus complex, literal light. This card symbolizes a discovery that is more trouble than it’s worth, or a grave error. [b]Moon[/b]: Loss, silence, disconnection, literal darkness. This card symbolizes a void, or a removal of one thing from another. [b]Mare[/b]: Obsession, individualism, the one, narrow mindedness. This card symbolizes a hyperfixation, or a desire to do something one specific way. [b]Stag[/b]: Indignation, rage, pride, overbearance. This card symbolizes aggression, and protectiveness over something. [b]Dragon[/b]: Greed, immense power, tyranny, ambition. This card symbolizes sabotage, and putting one’s own well-being above that of everything else. [b]Moth[/b]: Trickery, betrayal, adherence, trust. This card symbolizes the following of some greater will, or being led on by something two-faced. [b]Tortoise[/b]: Exile, distance, exploration, aimlessness. This card symbolizes a journey being taken, or being unable to return to somewhere. [b]Mantis[/b]: Consequence, retribution, penance, vindication. This card symbolizes an eye for an eye, or failure caused by actions. [b]Blade[/b]: Faith, conviction, ideology, brotherhood. This card symbolizes morality, or standing up for something that you believe in. [b]Anchor[/b]: Stasis, burdens, confinement, neglect. The card symbolizes a lack of action, or a loss of agency. [b]Clock[/b]: Ontology, cause and effect, All-verse constants, entropy. This card symbolizes a greater design, and things that were always or never meant to be. [b]Glass[/b]: Harsh truths, inner conflict, warped perception, fragility. This card symbolizes things that one must be forced to see, or the twisting of something mundane. [b]Cairn[/b]: Mutiny, bloodshed, interpersonal struggle, war. This card symbolizes dissention in the ranks, or a wedge driven between friends. [b]Hammer[/b]: Invention, creativity, wit, forwardness. This card symbolizes a direct approach, or something being created. [/cell][/row][/table]