[table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]CARMINE[color=2e2c2c].[/color]PEACEMAKER[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/42417cb5-580e-498b-b18f-c2d6a7de62bd.jpg[/img][hr][i][sub]| Blood-Stained Justifier |[/sub] "The one good what your sinned blood’ll ever do, you old bastard."[/i][hr][sup][b]ORIGINS & CREATIONS:[/b] | Created by fusing an orange Lux channeler with the Abstraction of a dismantled Apparition. | [b]TYPE:[/b] | Weapon | [b]LOCATION:[/b] | Sonoran Desert, Shimmer | [b]NOTABLE OWNERS:[/b] | Wielded by Harlan Ross, its creator. | [b]ABSTRACTION-GRANTING:[/b] | No | [color=2e2c2c].............................................................................[/color][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]During the days of cowboys and outlaws, there was a man who they called Ghost-Eyed Solomon. He was a wanted criminal, guilty on charges of murder and witchcraft, having slipped the noose even as it was tightened around his neck. The American Southwest didn’t have many paranormal beings at the time, and the PRA didn’t have a presence there, so most people assumed Solomon was just a lucky man. But he wasn’t a normal man at all, he was an Apparition that had abscised his own body after death. He lived to kill others, spilling blood to sustain himself for years until he was finally stopped by an orange Adept named Harlan Ross, who went on to civilize most of the Wild West’s magic scene in the years to come. Ghost-Eyed Solomon’s abstraction was channeled into his "killer’s" pistol after his death. The Carmine Peacemaker is a single action revolver made from a blood red metal, polished to an almost mirror-like finish. When the wielder cocks the hammer back, the hammer pricks their skin and draws blood to form a bullet roughly equivalent to a .44 magnum round. Once fired, the bullets cause debilitating pain for the target, which cannot be dulled by mundane or magical means. The wounds caused by these bullets bleed far more than they should, and nothing will get better unless the bullets are removed by the target’s body. Even after a bullet from the Carmine Peacemaker has been removed, the target will still feel the pain as it slowly fades away with time.[/cell][/row][/table]