[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XiUHyUc.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/K7gWNb1.png[/img] [/center] [right]Interactions: Sloane [@Atrophy], Drake [@Shin Ghost Note], Jack [@Blizz] [code]Kari Wilson’s House[/code][/right][hr] [color=9966CC]”Thank you, Jack, but we’ll take my car,“[/color] Anya smiled at him as he offered his teleportation services. She didn’t want to leave her car behind, and she’d rather take the less disconcerting mode of transport. There was no way Sloane could handle the teleportation anyway, with the state she was in. That would just be cruel after she nearly [i]dead[/i]. Anya carefully supported Sloane, with one arm around her back without gripping onto her too tightly. If Sloane, for some reason, decided she could walk entirely on her own, Anya didn’t want it to become a thing. [color=9966CC]”Yes, leaving is for the best,”[/color] Anya’s slight smile didn’t waver, gaze flickering between the remaining coven members and slowing on Luna before she disappeared. Ah, Luna, such an idiot. What use was a spy who always got caught? As much as Greyson had seemed concerned about the House of Cards, how strong could they be with someone like her among their ranks? [color=9966CC]”My car isn’t too far away.”[/color] Still supporting Sloane as much as she’d allow it, Anya led her and Drake back down the path. She knew that Sloane wasn’t too happy with Drake’s involvement but… she was being good willed enough to give them an opportunity to talk. More to the point, for Drake to apologise. Anya didn’t care for him, but he could be useful - and if Sloane wasn’t talking to him, she wouldn’t be either. [color=9966CC]”Here we are.”[/color] Just a bit down the road was Anya’s small, but sleek, car. She opened the passenger door for Sloane with a smile, and turned to Drake. [color=9966CC]”Before we go anywhere- well, I imagine you just want to go home, Sloane- I believe you have something to talk about,”[/color] Anya said with a pointed look at Drake, smile unwavering. [color=9966CC]”Now’s a good time.”[/color] It was left unspoken that if he didn’t apologise he wouldn’t be going anywhere with them.