[color=ed1c24][b][h2][CENTER]Kaiga Asagumo[/CENTER][/h2][/b][/color] [hr] [sub][color=00aeef]Location[/color]: Eirei Dorms, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture [/sub] Kaiga noticed Yusuke entering the dorm room and sighed to himself "[color=ed1c24]Great.[/color]" It wasn't born out of any hatred or animosity towards Yusuke. It's just that considering Yusuke's previous outburst he would be a troublesome roommate even if he tried to befriend him, but he had to at least speak to him to show him some respect. "[color=ed1c24]Hello...Yusuke[/color]" Kaiga thought that was the end of their conversation and he could go back to sulking in his room about Endeavor's retirement but then Yusuke had to mention Jaku city. Kaiga turned around to avoid him his lips quaked and he remembered their smiles how they told him to leave them behind how they were decayed right in front of him and he couldn't do anything about it Kaiga's entire body quaked before he turned around to Yusuke "[color=ed1c24]Don't mention Jaku CIty around me...ever[/color]" Kaiga unchartalisticly growled out towards him before running to his room and slamming the door. As Kaiga reached his room he felt himself start to reach deep inside himself, Yusuke had mentioned Jaku city...That horrible incident led him to meet Endeavor which caused him to become a hero for his recognition, but perhaps he had it wrong this whole time he shouldn't have become a hero for Endeavor's recognition. He should have become one to reach out and drag others from their despair as Endeavor did for him. He couldn't give up on being a hero because Endeavor retired even if it struck him hard he couldn't give up he had to keep on smiling cause if he didn't then who would? If he wanted to be like Endeavor he needed to uplift others with a smile even if it was a fake smile, after all, that would still be better than no smile at all right? Kaiga's hawk pad beeped, he looked down only to find his Endeavor streaming app getting a notification (Of course he had an app tracking Endeavor streams.) He was still streaming even if he retired. That was nice almost enough to put a real smile on his face, Endeavor wasn't gone perhaps he would still stream from time to time. What a relief. As he watched the stream come to Endeavor part he got more and more surprised, he couldn't be talking about him, could he? No way but he mentioned Eirei, it had to be him right unless...there was another self-proclaimed number-one fan. Tsk he's been battling Tameda Hiroshi for that spot no way was he going to lose to another student. But Endeavor's words inspired him...set your heart ablaze, Kaiga caught himself with a real smile. Endeavors words had fired up his spirit even more don't try to become like Endeavor, he had been told that multiple times but now he think he understood why. He was still sad that Endeavor was parting but his parting words lessened that sadness.