[center][h1][color=#B4C1C9]Fyodor Strelnikov[/color][/h1][/center] Fyodor Strelnikov entered the Ubiquitous Wayfarer alongside his companions and surveyed the interior. It seemed that they had the misfortune of arriving at the tavern during one of the busier stretches of its open hours. Navigating through the crowd would present something of a hinderance. But ultimately that mattered about as much as anything else in the multiverse did, which was to say it did not matter at all. The crowd might delay them, but it would not stop them. Regardless of how long it would take them, they would reach their portal, pass through it to Ecstasy, and link up with the rest of the expedition bound for the place where Tir na Og once stood. Fyodor reached into his pocket and pulled out the gate-key that Ulgad had entrusted to him. He regarded the polished greenish-grey pebble for a moment, then closed his hand around it and glanced at Ulgad. [color=#B4C1C9]"Where to from here?"[/color] Fyodor asked.