[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Open for Business[/b][/color] [/centre] Syraeia eye Twitched a little at being called matron, it was a title she was not used to and replied with an easy expression.[color=a2d39c] “Na’ri, you can call me Sya, we are far from any capitals, I came from the borderlands not Aurelian grand cities.”[/color] She spoke letting her native accent show her true origins and homeland. She did live up to her status but something about Na'ri Sya did not want to be called matron for some reason. She worked well, was great with people and talented as she was beautiful. Long as the tone was respectful she could let her assistant drop the title. [color=a2d39c]“Keep em happy, they keep spending. just do you.”[/color] Sya said as she headed off, she had her full confidence in Na'ri and turned to make her way waving up to the staircase and waved to the new man entering. He was tall, muscular and looked to be more tanned than the Lunarians… must be an Aurelian. His winter gear was not as heavy as the Lunarians but they lived in this climate all year round, the weather was meant to be akin to a light shower for them. Be friendly, she kept her light born nature discreet but tried to be friendly. Heading up the stairs, the smaller rooms were more often rented so they would be very likely fine but first, her best room likely needed fresh candles, a tidy up, and check if sunni had dumped any new …things there. He seemed to collect things and liked to hoard things, hoard… she might find a random box of pottery or so. He promised not to…but who knew with Sunni. Her eye caught the woman In furs drinking and eating with a man before rounding the corner, she had questions but work came first… pulling her gaze away she headed up into the small corridor between the room currently lit by a few dim candles but that was no challenge for the blight born, it was honestly how she preferred it and most comfortable in dark than light. Those questions caught her mind as she walked but ignored them to focus. Focus Sya… she said to herself, plus she did not want to look like some idiot to this woman, this was her Inn, she was proud of her place in this place. This was one place she felt safe and able to drop her disguise least away from the main bar. Dropping the cloaks Dark material to fall around her shoulders placing it on a the bed and reaching to check her braids were still holding in place. Long Dark brown hair tied up in intricate design as a point of pride even if not seen by many she was not some survivor but a woman with a purpose again. She breathed a content sigh and let the weight fall off her, a long slow minute she could still feel the energy below her, but also some above, directly above… but it was…strange. Sunni was hard to read as any man she had met. Her clothes were clean, practical but fairly plain. Much as she had been given coin and fitments for her new station they were not the most inspired of wear. Not like the bright colours and sleek fur with shining leather she admired the ladies of worth wore. Clothes she hoped to wear, to show she was able to defy her status and detractors. Her over-large single eye almost glowed in the light as began singing a tune softly to herself appraising the room and beginning to put things to be suitable to her mysterious blight born lady of a guest. Fresh candles would be fitted, the sides dusted and a new bowl of clean water to wash off the dust and dirt of travel. Being clean was a luxury at times but one that could not be understated or overlooked. She would make sure all the other rooms had clean fresh water too. Her Inn was no dive or back alley murder slum. The soft song flowed, a song of a Knight who fell in love with a monster, held his blade and gave her his last, she was cured… It was a little sad but oddly she did not mind it. Somehow that was one that stuck on her memory regardless. She was not Na'ri but She could hold a tune at least. The Princess and Prince had least left much as she did not say out loud but Royals could really put a cramp on the vibes and the general feel of the place. Everyone stopped relaxing and things got… uncomfortable. Downstairs…felt more normal now as life picked up, the energy and emotions she felt grew. All was good and the coin changed hands. Na'ri just had a way to bring her own energy into a room. [@Fetzen] [@Girlie Go Boom] [@The Savant] [@amorphical]