[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wi7IBym.png[/img] [h2][b][color=fff79a]Rider - Jan Sobieski[/color][/b][/h2] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] An abandoned lot in Kyoto [b][u]Interacting with:[/u][/b] [@Letter Bee][/center] [hr] Once the battle began, the only thing those near the abandoned lot would hear was a chorus of steel on steel. Jan springs into action, body rippling with aggression. The joviality he expressed in his words was simply not present in his actions. The way he attacked, with focused intensity, was much more fitting of the man who lead history's largest cavalry charge. His opponent had the advantage in speed, but Jan had two things he could capitalize on. One; his superior range, and two; his physical might. Where Constantine was faster, Jan was stronger. Each thrust and swing from him would feel like a mighty blow, forcing any opponent not wishing to get gored or smashed to respect his weapon's wingspan. The fight, to a casual observer (or one not skilled in the art of warfare), appeared to be a vicious grudge match. But the truth was far from it, neither one of the opponents were giving it their all. They weren't half-assing things by a longshot, but it was clear neither were going for the jugular as of yet. Which was why Constantine found the time to make conversation. Jan bats away an attempted slash with enough force to shove Constantine back (though not enough force to disarm, unfortunately), giving them the spacing needed to have their brief chat. His opponent's words cause Jan to furrow his brow. [b][color=fff79a]"Rogue Servants, you say? I suppose that explains your unusual Class. How strange.. Haha! Just my fortune to be summoned for such an odd Grail War! Tell me, Emperor Constantine. From one Defender of Christendom to another, do you have a working theory just yet?"[/color][/b] Jan was a multi-tasker, so as he responded, he also charged forward. Lunging towards his opponent and thrusting his lance forward with great force at the dead center of the Shielder's torso. Perfect aim, from someone who was more than a little familiar with jousting. What made this blow unusual (and much more dangerous), was that in the gap between the initial thrust and whatever Constantine chose to respond with, the length of the Lance abruptly increased from six feet, to eight. It didn't extend forward, it simply was six feet one moment, and eight feet the next. This was Jan's favorite trick, by changing his Lance's length mid-attack, it threw off the entire rhythm of his opponent. Even a minor unexpected change could prove deadly. Now it was time to test Constantine's mettle, and see if he could recover quick enough to avoid being gored through the chest!