[center][img]https://variety.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Webby-Awards-2022.png?w=1000&h=563&crop=1[/img][/center] Welcome one and all to the electrifying, steamy, Webby Awards for P.R.C.U. Commencement Chapter 1! I will be your host for this evening, Web. I wanted to take this time to highlight my totally superior, 100% correct opinions and share some of the love with y'all after such a delightful first chapter of the RP. These awards are not presented in any particular order. The First Award we have this evening is the coveted [u][b]Favorite Character[/b][/u] award. This does not mean best... because, let's be real, it's Rothschild's world and we are just living in it. When I think Favorite Character, I think of a character and a writer that when I see they've posted, I am excited to read the post and see what's happening. It has a feel good nature, in my mind, but is not without drama or suspense. This award goes to the one and only [b][color=ff7514]Katja Kruger[/color][/b] written by [@Zoldyck]. I told Zoldy not too long ago that I have really enjoyed the way this Katja has come into her own... and I've been, admittedly, a bit jealous. While Katja has her flaws and a dark past, she feels the most like the protagonist of this story in my mind. She is kind, empathetic, and always trying to lift everyone up. The natural conclusion of the first chapter seeing this character strength leave her vulnerable and broken in that explosive final post was... well, you can catch my opinions on that post later on. For the [u][b]Most Wholesome Character[/b][/u] award, I think of a character who is precious. A sweet, sweet summer child who it is actively hard to dislike. Someone who bumbles through life without a care in the world, doesn't understand what is going on half the time, and who can somehow pull off pulling two wildly different women into his orbit. I am, of course, talking about none other than [color=FE650D][b]Lorcán Roth[/b][/color] as written by [@Lord Wraith]. Rory and Lorcán have a disturbing amount of similarities in the way they bumble through life, but Lorcán's posts are much more fun to read. Surfer lingo, pratfalls, and sincere wonder and compassion really tie this character together in ways that make him shine. The Lorcán and Rory dynamic is very fun when it comes into play because they are both wholesome, but I feel like Lorcán edges out even my "Himbo with a Heart" by a sizable margin. This next award can only be explained in a single sentence. [u][b]If anything happens to [color=8ECDB7]Aurora Mitchell[/color], I will kill everyone in this RP and then myself.[/b][/u] Aurora, as written by [@Melissa], was a tie in my mind for Most Wholesome Character. So I cheated and essentially made a duplicate category. I desperately, whole-heartedly care for Aurora's struggles and am deeply pained every time she retreats into herself. I think Aurora somehow feels the most real of all these characters to me, and I would die for her. If Lorcán and Amma break her heart or if she gets injured/killed off, I do not know if I would emotionally recover. Take your fucking award, [@Rockette]. [u][b]Best Breakout Character.[/b][/u] I was so confident I was going to hate [color=978184][b]Amma Cahors[/b][/color]. From personal experience, anyone who walks into a collaborative storytelling project with a character that is edgy and dark and doesn't want to interact with anyone, and I write them off. 99% of the time it doesn't work. I know, because I write those characters a lot. How dare you have the absolute talent to make Amma work? It makes me sick how much every Amma post has me at the edge of my seat. Take your award, but stick around cause you're getting another by the end of this. Ok... got a little heated. But I like this energy. I get you have a family and responsibilities and a life, but I need more [color=lightgray][b]Gil Galahad[/b][/color] [@Roman]. Of the four boys we have, I adore the nuance and depth that we've gotten from Gil so far. Gil is the [u][b]Best Boy.[/b][/u] I straight up do not understand him, and I think that's part of his charm. He is aloof, cool, but has deep emotional connections in his backstory. And I love what you've done with the three Gils. I didn't make it an actual award, but I loved your formatting in the early Gil posts during the beach scene. Stellar work. Get back to writing. [@Hound55]... This award is not for [color=darkgoldenrod][b]Andrew "Banjo" Olyphant[/b][/color]. This award is for you as a writer. You, my friend, are the [u][b]Best Wildcard[/b][/u] this side of the Guild. While others gave you a run for your money, everything about every post you write and every comment you make in the Discord throws me for a loop. To some, this may be seen as a negative. But boy do I love chaos. You are a crucial member of this RP, Banjo is the Joker in the deck of Blackjack, and every time we nearly make the same joke in the Discord I feel ten times my age. I expect Banjo to start Banjoing here before too long... Me and Rockette can't be the only ones stirring the pot this whole RP. You know what's particularly funny? I do not know if Rory and the character at the center of this next award interacted at all in Chapter 1. They've been in the same scenes, we're finally collabing in Chapter 2, and they have the same best friend. There is a whimsee and depth to [color=8A9A5B][b]Harper Baxter[/b][/color]'s entrance into the RP that blew me away. [@Qia], Harper's Intro was my personal vote for Best Solo post of the entire RP. But here, at the superior Webby Awards, you win [u][b]Best Opening Post[/b][/u]. I would use that post as an example, sentence by sentence, of how to introduce a character and lay out their entire personality without wasting any space. I knew who Harper was much quicker than I even knew who Rory was, and I already wrote him in a previous RP. I am a slut for tropes done well. I know this might not be the award you were expecting or wanting, [@PatientBean], but this is a sort of stealth "Favorite Moment" award in its own way. I spent my time last night just trying to recall, by memory, moments in this RP that stood out. [color=F796A9][b]Calliope de Leon[/b][/color]'s reaction to the opening ceremony was perhaps the first that came to mind when I tried to think about moments earlier in this RP. Of all the reactions to that first big plot twist, Calliope had my [u][b]Favorite Reaction.[/b][/u] It's a classic scene, and a classic trope. You wrote a great scene in a way that I could visualize perfectly. You have done an excellent job of building up and showing how mature and put together Calliope is, but the moment where she really got to unload and lose control for just a moment was so exciting. But... don't leave just yet. There's more for you coming. When I read vore, I had a visceral reaction to every sentence. It kept getting worse, and worse, and I had to stop reading for a moment to give myself space to breath and process. [@Rockette] and [@Zoldyck] co-wrote my [u][b]Favorite Post[/b][/u]. I straight up could not decide what the Best Collab was before this post dropped. When it did, it was a bomb. I changed votes in several categories, but the first thing I did was list vore as the Best Collaboration. Katja and Amma are both so real and vulnerable in that scene, and it is heartbreaking to see their dynamic go so toxic... but it wasn't out of nowhere. It felt like a build-up. The seeds were planted, the tension rose. And in a sea of heartfelt, romantic scenes between the various love-birds... vore hit like a freight train and then backed up to run us over again. It shit on the idea of making the easy choice. I hate you both a little for making my heart hurt. To take a swing in a completely different direction... This next award is for the [u][b]Best Collab Partner[/b][/u] I've had in this RP so far. I am sorry to everyone else, but this was always going to [@Skai]. I felt really bad I couldn't vote for Skai in any of the Best Collab posts, because writing the Raven scenes has been so much fun. Skai and I have been messaging each other for a couple weeks now about this RP while making plans and plots for Rory and Haven, and it has been such a blast. The amount of fun I have writing with Skai is admittedly why the Raven ship has set sail. I've written with a lot of folks, and it has been an absolute pleasure getting to work with Skai in this RP. The last award I have is less of an award for what has been written so far, but more of a prediction. I am so very much looking forward to what comes next for this character. The [u][b]Character to Watch[/b][/u] for Chapter 2 and hopefully the rest of the RP, in my opinion, is Calliope as written by [@PatientBean]. Calliope and Banjo are an adorable couple, and while we have seen some cracks in her armor... she's been pretty well-put together so far. But given the events of vore and the plot twist going into Chapter 2... god I am so excited to see the mask slip for Calliope. I really like Bean's style of writing with Calli, and I think things are only going to get better from here. Now... that is all I've got for you folks. I want to thank each and every one of you who have been riding along on this journey for your hard work and creativity. I appreciate the votes I have received for Rory in Chapter 1, I am deeply appreciative of the love and support. You are all really messing with my Imposter's Syndrome. The problem with running awards like this sometimes is votes feel so close. I wanted to do my own little awards to highlight some of my favorite moments and aspects of everyone's writing. I think we have a really good crew here, and I really want to keep building this story with you all. This is my way of saying Thank You, and I will be returning to being a little gremlin in the Discord now. I love you all, have a wonderful night/morning/afternoon.