[h1][centre][color=0072bc]Royal Guard of Lunaris[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=0072bc]Dawn Haven[/color][/centre][/h2] Coswain and his party saw the charming woman approach them with gleaming bright eyes, and…did she look familiar? He had worked with the Royal family of Lunaris and was unsure about that. Sitting down with Hector and Daphne who had not got the same thoughts and had not been so close to the King or Queen as Adonis was. He was sure he and Persephone had attended such a show, but this was so far away. No, no. Definitely not that woman, she just…dropped off the map. The ensuing trouble and issues of the past had kept the Royal guard busy. Very busy, he remembered the crimes they could not run down, a hundred other tasks…just no ability to properly isolate one threat and deal.with it. [color=f49ac2]“Yes, that was the order”[/color] Daphne said cheerfully as the Small lady in a hood seemed to have passed on the order to this striking woman with green eyes, almost seeming to dance as she moved about. Her energy was just…energy. [color=f49ac2]“Much as I greatly respect the Royals. I really need a meal”[/color] Daphne admitted that her Hunger was very much earned after a long ride. [color=fff79a]“Soldiers are always hungry!”[/color] Hector said lightly and began to relax as things calmed down and the Lords, Royals and other stuff was not Hector's deal. [color=fff79a]“Least this is normal. Guess we're building.”[/color] Hector said with his heavy thick northern accent turned to the lady. [color=fff79a]“Adon. Sort ya head out. Food. Ya got the coin”[/color] He hit his friend softly into his armoured and padded shoulder, they would have to hit each other really hard to hurt each other. Swords, weapons were the only way to severely hurt each other in their present garb. The woman's description of the large platter with spices, food, meats, breads and more all in one plate? The Look from his comrades were hungry and he might be in lethal danger if he refused to buy the premium platter of meals and food. He had ridden them hard to get here so… a good leader rewarded their Soldiers and looked after them. [color=6ecff6]“You two are very much starving. We drink and enjoy ourselves then!”[/color] He said decisively as he saw the lady head to some gentleman In the corner, clad in furs and a heavy build. The man had the build of a powerful worker of some kind, he looked weather beaten and someone who put in a hard day outdoors. [color=fff79a]“Go Adon. Go”[/color] Hector gave his friend a push and shoved him to go to the lady Na'ri to order the meal. His friend was the handsome, charming one and diplomatic one. He hit things with a hammer, and kept everything in good condition. “Lighten the purse, seeing as we walked into paid accommodations” Coswain went to stand up and adjusted not to trip over the bastard sword hung at his hip, swords really got in the way at times. [color=6ecff6]“Going..going ya old bastad”[/color] he laughed as he stood up. The tall Royal guard walked over, His hair and beard were short and run With pale grey that contrasted against the slight Permanent tan he was not sure where it came from in his ancestors. No one ever wrote it down in detail, he was a Lord by deed than birth and had earned it though 20 plus years of service. [color=6ecff6]“Excuse me, mi lady, we would take the platter and some extra cheese, as well as buy this man a ale for interrupting you.”[/color] He said with the easy confidence and tone of a man who did not fear to face a challenge. [color=6ecff6]“Coswain, Lord Castellan from Lunaris., warsmith Hector and Daphne my squire.“[/color] he offered a hand, his arm strapped with leather, chain mail and plain but high quality steel he would not be able to remove till later and gestured politely to his table. A tall woman Around 5'10 with dark brown hair And a heavily set and bearded man going to grey but a mix of Smith soldier in his stature with detailed armour he had customised himself. He interrupted the man's service, was polite, introduced himself, his companions and so on. A small touch, The bag he had could easily cover an ale for diplomacy. Sometimes you just had to make a gesture of goodwill. [color=6ecff6]“Anything interesting about Dawn Haven?”[/color] He asked casually like a newcomer he was, just casual conversation. Nothing too heavy as he waited for the lovely lady in her skirts and bright green eyes to confirm they had got the order and thank the lady when she did. [@Fetzen][@Girlie Go Boom]