[CENTER][h1][color=00746b][u]Skobeloff[/u][/color][/h1][/CENTER] [color=00746b]"Fascinating."[/color] Skobeloff said as he drew level with Stargaze and looked at the plants alongside her. The Trickster reached out to one of the creeping vines with one of his forelimbs and allowed the vine to wrap itself around the proffered appendage. Once the vine had fastened itself securely to him, Skobeloff swiped a claw on his opposite forelimb at the section of vine connecting what clung to him to the rest of the plant. [color=00746b]"The Snouthold's Trickster community must love Coryn."[/color] The raw-scaled Myndoth commented as he admired his newest tool/accessory. [color=00746b]"There's no shortage of fuel for the Long Game when he's involved."[/color] After a moment, Skobeloff remembered why he was here and turned his attention to Rudrick. [color=00746b]"So I wasn't able to convince Garrock to speak with you, but I was able to make him think that the nearby abandoned mineshaft is infested with giant spiders."[/color] Skobeloff said to Rudrick. [color=00746b]"If you head that way, you should be able to corner him."[/color] [hider=OOC] Skobeloff uses the fact that failure seems to be Coryn's default state of being to fuel a round of the Long Game. He rolls a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/26965]13[/url] and seizes two resources. [/hider]