[right][color=cccccc][sub][@Melissa] & [@BrutalBx] LOCATION: BHHS Football Stadium/Parking Lot TIMESTAMP: Before the Football Game Featuring: [color=c1473e][b]Adelaide Jones[/b][/color] & [color=acece5][b]Ivy Leung[/b][/color][/sub][/color][/right] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xX5UY05.png[/img][/center] [indent][color=#cccccc]Game day was always a good day.[/color] [color=#cccccc]Not that Adelaide Jones particularly cared for a sport where men ran with a ball, though her pretty blue eyes were often glued to the girls on the sideline in the short skirts holding the pom poms. God she wanted to be at the bottom of that pyramid. Although she was on the soccer team herself and was a damn good player, Ads was mostly there for the extra credit. The main reason that Addie enjoyed game days was for business. Every Bertie, Betty, Boris and Angela wanted their quick fix of something to get them through another slog of pubescent boys grunting and groaning more on a field assgrabbing than they would watching PornHub all week in their basement boy caves. [/color] [color=#cccccc]Unlike her sisters in the PLC, Savannah, Neveah and Everly, the pint sized blonde didn’t live or die on the hill of a sale; Addie just made the shit. If she didn’t sell a single blunt or bag of shrooms she would be fine, for her, the excitement was in the preparation. She doted on her garden like a mother would her child; she fed them every day, bathed them, nourished and cherished them. Then there were the days where she spliced the plants together and used experimental chemicals to make a super strain of kush. Lucky for her that usually falls around game or events day.[/color] [color=#cccccc]There was a lore surrounding Addie and she was very conscious of it despite most people’s perceptions of her. To most, she was an idiot; a ridiculous, childlike buffoon obsessed with sexual relations and whose ADHD was barely managed. She didn't mind letting people believe that, she wasn’t one for confrontation and didn’t see any benefit in correcting them or maybe she just didn’t care? The truth of the matter was that those very same people didn’t know that underneath the bleach blonde bangs and dark eye makeup, Addie possessed an intellect that was near dangerous. She always scored at the top of her exams and tests. When examined, her IQ was leaps and bounds higher than an average girl of her age. Before attending Beverly Hills High, Addie’s parents were approached with the idea of placing the girl in a special school for gifted youngsters. They would have said yes had Addie not refused to go; she didn’t want to leave her sister.[/color] [color=#cccccc]Now there she sat, wearing her fathers old service bomber jacket, on the hood of her van parked in the lot just by the stadium. Addie couldn’t drive the van of course but inside its walls adorned with a naked lady was her collection of what a normal person would call drugs; Adelaide would call them her babies. Her feet dangled over the edge, the lit blunt in her painted lips bounced as she nodded her head to the dulcet sounds of her beloved Dave Grohl playing in her left ear. The rest of PLC were odd doing their thing trying to out work the Strattons. Addie said fuck it and went off to do her own thing. She had her own “clients” that she preferred to work with.[/color] [color=#cccccc]One of them was coming towards her and she couldn’t help but smirk. Adelaide was a sucker for a pretty girl. She took her joint out of her mouth and blew a love heart into the air with the smoke illuminated by the Friday night lights. [/color][color=#c1473e]“Hey purrrrty lady.”[/color][color=#cccccc] She leaned back on one pal and waved with the white stick still between her finger tips. [/color][color=#c1473e]“I wouldn’t come any closer, I hear that girl Addie is riff raff.”[/color] [color=#cccccc]Game day was always a good day.[/color] [color=#cccccc]Cheerleading under the lights with the attention of a crowd was everything to Ivy Leung. What started as a way to channel her extra energy as a child had become so much more to the dark haired girl than her parents ever could have anticipated when they first enrolled her. She was a natural, with a bright smile and enough pep in her step to power a small army, not to mention blessed with flexible limbs, which were the gift that kept on giving. Most importantly, the pom poms brought her joy, and year after year she returned for more.[/color] [color=#cccccc]Tonight, she stood on the turf with her teammates, donning skin tight matching uniforms that left little to the imagination, stretching out before the whistle blew and the game began. Ivy was antsy, checking her phone for the fourth time to make sure she wasn’t late for her little… rendezvous. It was unlike the girl to be unprepared for the weekend’s festivities, but this morning before leaving for school she noticed she was oh so dangerously low, and thus an emergency text was sent and a meeting place was agreed upon. As the clock changed to quarter past, she exhaled and nudged Cael, [/color][color=#acece5]“I’ll be right back, really need to pee.”[/color] [color=#cccccc]With hurried steps, she quickly made her way from the field towards the parking lot, bobbing and weaving past her classmates who were headed to the bleachers. Homecoming was a big deal, and tensions were a tad high, which made this adventure all the more crucial. As cars came into view, it didn’t take long for Ivy to spot the familiar van and the blonde lounging on top of it. As she approached, she fixed the bow in her hair and readjusted her skirt. [/color][color=#acece5]“Addie might be riff raff, but then again, so am I.”[/color][color=#cccccc] The dark haired girl smirked devilishly, before looking around, half expecting to see the other members of the PLC on her trail. [/color][color=#acece5]“Where’s your crew? Not much for school spirit?”[/color] [color=#c1473e]“Addie can text them and we can make this an orgy, more love is good love.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Addie replaced a roll up in her mouth before pushing herself off of the roof and dropping down relatively gracefully onto the floor below. She was no cheerleader; she was five foot nothing and had a habit of falling out of windows but like her current compatriot, Adelaide found that she had enough skill and poise to make her dramatics look good. [/color][color=#c1473e]“But something tells me that you would much rather this just be us.”[/color][color=#cccccc] She stopped to admire Ivy in her uniform, she didn’t hide it, there was no point. Addie was Addie and everybody knew Addie, even the vegetarians. With sculpted long legs, taut abs that she wanted to lick maple syrup off of and a smile that even Adelaide had to admit she fell in love with just a bit every time she saw it, Ivy Leung looked every bit the dream girl that she pretended she was. [/color] [color=#cccccc]In some strange way, Addie viewed Ivy and others just like her as reflections of the self she could have been. For all intents and purposes, the pint sized pixie should’ve been a white picket fence pom pom powerhouse but the cards she was dealt were different. Her mother Wednesday was a stunning woman, blonde hair, blue eyes, a body straight outta playboy and her youthful grandma was the same. Her father Paul, that all American army type; strong jaw line, just enough edge to make the women swoon and then there was her sister Dallas. She was so beautiful, so intelligent, she could’ve reigned supreme. They could’ve been the picturesque American nuclear family.[/color] [color=#cccccc]But they weren’t.[/color] [color=#cccccc]And that was ok. It was better this way.[/color] [color=#cccccc]Addie loved her new family, the Jones girls were all great in their own way and her new stepmom was badass. Her Mom was saving lives like she did at the hospital. Grandma was dissecting the worlds future psychopaths and Dally was training to fuck Martians? Or was she building rockets? She couldn’t remember. Adelaide missed seeing her Dad every day but he was off being Batman or some shit. She got to see him every other weekend so that was nice. [/color] [color=#c1473e]“So, what do you need? Cos baby I got it. And if you wanna take our clothes off and stare at each other, maybe touch stuff, Addie is always down for that. I’ll even pay for breakfast”[/color] [color=#cccccc]Ivy didn’t mind as Addie’s eyes roved over her body, in fact, she liked it. The girl worked damn hard to maintain her physique in order to remain in good standing with the squad, and she [/color][color=#cccccc][i]wanted [/i][/color][color=#cccccc]people to appreciate it. It didn’t hurt that her dealer was one of those people; she would cut her a deal from time to time - an extra pre-roll here, a discount there - and there was never any harm in that. After all, pretty privilege had its benefits.[/color] [color=#cccccc]The dark haired girl nodded, [/color][color=#acece5]“Two's company, three’s a crowd.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Her smile reappeared at Addie’s bold proposition, eyes fiery. It was no secret that there was chemistry there, then again, Ivy had chemistry with most people. But it was something that the girl thrived on, the validation of it all. [/color][color=#acece5]“Maybe another time.”[/color][color=#cccccc] She purred, raising her eyebrows suggestively before her laughter followed. [/color][color=#acece5]“What I do need though is something to get me through this game, and some [/color][color=#acece5][i]party favors[/i][/color][color=#acece5] for this weekend. Got anything special for me, Addie?”[/color][color=#cccccc] She inquired, leaning up against the van. [/color] [color=#c1473e]“You’re a fucking tease.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Addie giggled as she threw her joint and stomped it out under the heel of her Doc Martens. “I’ll hold you to that, Ivy. My face is gonna be between your legs sooner rather than later but I digress.” The drug dealer lifted a single index finger up in eureka. [/color][color=#c1473e]“Give me two minutes and feel free to stare at my ass. Addie has been doing squats.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Opening up the back doors of the van, Adelaide revealed her nursery. Bright, shining heat lamps illuminated a variety of potted plants and vegetation. Weed, mushrooms, potatoes? All were growing inside the walls of Addie’s moving greenhouse. She climbed inside, her butt sticking out as she fumbled around to find what her client required.[/color] [color=#cccccc]The wagon was not Addie’s but she had claimed it. Many moons ago, the van where she grew her product once belonged to her father. He went off to war and it sat vacant for years in her grandparents garage. When he returned, it continued to gather dust until finally it was unearthed and sent to live with the then Davies. When Paul and Wednesday divorced, he decided to leave the van to Addie since she loved it so much. She hated driving the thing but she enjoyed the naked lady decal on the side and the fact it was easy to grow her supply on there sans prying eyes. [/color] [color=#c1473e]“Okey dokey.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Hopping back out, Adelaide sat on the edge of the van as she began to place Ivy’s wish list into a plastic baggy. [/color][color=#c1473e]“I got some good shrooms in here, some peyote which I got from the new girl and my latest product…”[/color][color=#cccccc] Addie pulled a single white stick from behind her and held it aloft. [/color][color=#c1473e]“I call it the Hawaiian. You will be a Aloha’ing yourself all the way into a coma. This is some good strong shit. Tastes like pineapples.”[/color] [color=#acece5]“You certainly know how to make a girl feel special.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Ivy did indeed take the opportunity to check out Addie as she ducked into the van, simultaneously admiring the vast assortment of plants she had growing in the vehicle. It was impressive, to say the least, the variety she had cultivated with her green thumb, not to mention it was a genius business model. In her eyes, this was talent at the highest caliber. She simply felt fortunate she got to reap the rewards. [/color] [color=#cccccc]She watched as the blonde hand selected each item that went into the plastic bag, nodding along with her choices. As Addie introduced her creation, Ivy plucked the blunt from her fingers, examining it before dissolving into a grin. It was perfect, exactly what she was looking for. [/color][color=#acece5]“You never miss, do you?”[/color][color=#cccccc] The dark haired girl reached into her skirt waistband, grabbing the folded up wad of cash she had stashed there. Cheekily, she extended her arm towards the seated girl, tucking it into the pocket of her jeans for her. [/color][color=#acece5]“I think that should cover it, doll.”[/color] [color=#c1473e]“Hnnng.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Ivy was every inch a Goddess in Addie’s eyes and as she bit the air to prevent herself from saying all the uncouth things her lips wanted to scream to the heavens, she wanted to catch the cheerleader's hand and just taste her. She could smell her perfume, her shampoo and conditioner. It wasn’t fair. For much of the summer had been in therapy to try and work on her…tendencies. The tiny drug dealer had a habit of just blurting out her thoughts and feelings, especially when it came to the matter of sex and romance.[/color] [color=#cccccc]Despite her outward appearance as Kurt Cobain’s lost daughter, (fuck you Frances Bean, what kind of name is Bean anyway? It was a good job she was hot), Adelaide loved love. She truly did. Her freedom and willingness to give it to anyone was both a blessing and a curse because Addie knew how to have a good time but she also knew just how much rejection, loss and grief could tie a person in unbreakable knots. The manic pixie drug girl had felt both the highs and lows of love but that would never deter her. Hedonism aside, she did want someone to look at her, truly look at her and see beyond the cat eye make-up and deeply layered behavioural disorders and see Adelaide Philippa Davies Jones; girl waiting to be loved.[/color] [color=#c1473e]“Addie also does house calls.”[/color][color=#cccccc] She smiled tilted her head to look up at the tall beauty of Ivy. [/color][color=#c1473e]“If you need home delivery, just leave a window open and Addie will find a way….or, if you just want me to climb into bed with you and whisper sweet nothings, I do that for free. Tell that to your sister Isla too, I bet she’d love a good spoon and she’s super hot. Addie will get her out of her shell and walking on the wild side”[/color] [color=#acece5]“Oh really…”[/color][color=#cccccc] Ivy raised a brow, a smirk slowly forming, gracing her full lips. Next thing she knew, the wheels in her head were turning. Not about herself though.[/color] [color=#cccccc]About Isla.[/color] [color=#cccccc]Sure, the dark haired girl had tried to facilitate friendships for her twin, ones that would pry her out of the box she’d locked herself in, but never had she dared to attempt a romantic pairing. She knew better than to meddle with her sister’s love life, but in this case, Addie [/color][color=#cccccc][i]had[/i][/color][color=#cccccc] expressed interest. It seemed natural, organic, whereas any other attempts would be forced and awkward. The more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea. [/color] [color=#acece5]“Well you know, Addie,”[/color][color=#cccccc] She purred her name, a devilish glint in her eye, [/color][color=#acece5]“Isla is going to the dance tomorrow night...”[/color][color=#cccccc] Ivy paused, leaning a little closer to the blonde. [/color][color=#acece5]“[/color][i][color=#acece5]Alone[/color][/i][color=#acece5]. Maybe you could, you know, [/color][color=#acece5]get to know her [/color][color=#acece5]a little better.”[/color][color=#cccccc] She reached out and brushed a strand of the girl’s hair behind her ear, [/color][color=#acece5]“She’s a little bit shy, but I have no doubt you could find some things to talk to her about.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Ivy grinned, [/color][color=#acece5]“Or, you could do things that require no talking at all.”[/color] [color=#cccccc]Addie’s knees knocked together and quivered in sheer excitement as the cheerleader leaned in and touched her hair. For all the times the dealer had been with a girl, every time almost felt like the first. Love and lust were exciting and should always be treated as such. To grow bored was a fate worse than death in her eyes. There was so much in the world to taste, to touch, to experience and submerge one’s soul in. There was so much to take and Addie was gonna take as much as her tiny ass could carry.[/color] [color=#c1473e]“Addie can absolutely do that.”[/color][color=#cccccc] She jumped up to her feet, almost giddy. [/color][color=#c1473e]“I was planning on being there to sell some stuff and grab ass for any lonely girls dumped by their dates but actually going for a date of my own would be cool too!”[/color] [color=#cccccc]One would have to be blind not to have noticed Ivy’s sister Isla around the halls. Ivy was a model, a glow, you could see her a mile away. Isla, well you really had to pay attention and Addie always paid attention. She shared her sister's striking looks but their auras were different. Isla was a whisper in a crowded room and Addie liked that, it meant she had to lean close and really be in the moment and not just a part of it. The more she thought about it, the louder the heartbeat she always heard in her head got louder. Addie’s interest had been piqued. [/color] [color=#c1473e]“For the tip, how about I give you a freebie? I got some of last month's batch somewhere in the van if you want it?”[/color] [color=#cccccc]The younger of the Leung twins grinned. This was going to be perfect. She was actually optimistic about the odds here! It was very possible Isla would murder her later, but Addie was cute and interested and not much else mattered at the end of the day. She was doing her sister a favor, she was a saint. Ivy shook her head at the proposition of additional substance, [/color][color=#acece5]“Nah, that’s okay. You give me freebies all the time! Consider this me giving [/color][color=#acece5][i]you[/i][/color][color=#acece5] a freebie, Addie.”[/color][color=#cccccc] She answered, tucking the plastic bag in her skirt pocket, twirling the blunt in between nimble fingers.[/color] [color=#cccccc]She checked the time on her phone and cursed under her breath. [/color][color=#acece5]“I’ve gotta get going if I want to have enough time to smoke this before the game starts.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Ivy looked back up at Addie, [/color][color=#acece5]“Appreciate you always. I’ll see you tomorrow?”[/color] [color=#c1473e]“Not if I see you first.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Addie smiled as she brought one foot up onto the wheel of the van. [/color][color=#c1473e]“Which Addie will, cos imma be staring at your jiggles and your wiggles and those abs…mmm now you got me thinking about maple syrup again.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Attempting not to drown in her lurid thoughts of drenching Ivy in Canada’s best export, the five feet of concrete pulled herself back up onto her perch on the roof of her makeshift greenhouse. She was excited; Isla Leung, now there lay a challenge. Adelaide wondered if perhaps the other twin was the one that could make the ringing in her ears stop. She wondered if Isla was the one that could slow her heart down and could make her drink in the smell of the roses and savour the world like a sip of wine, rather than inhale it like a line. [/color] [color=#c1473e]“Enjoy the Hawaiian, my peach and warn your sister, Addie is coming and soon she will be too!”[/color][color=#cccccc] Addie stood up to her full tiny height, towering a whopping five feet over the parking lot and outstretched her arms as wide as she could. [/color][color=#c1473e]“MAMA GOT DRUUUUUUGS. COME GET SOME! ADDIE GOT THE GOOD KUSH, NEW STRAIN! HOMECOMING DISCOUNT!”[/color] [color=#cccccc]Ivy simply shook her head with a laugh as she walked away from the van, not fully realizing the can of worms she had just opened. It would definitely be a sight to see - Addie, her effervescent drug dealer, seducing her sister, the hermit. But, Isla needed some excitement in her life, and this was the perfect opportunity to bring her some much needed zest. The dark haired girl made her way over to the edge of the parking lot and reached into her pocket to pull out a lighter, but her hand came up empty. [/color] [color=#cccccc]Fuck. She forgot her lighter.[/color] [color=#cccccc]It was a rookie mistake. She groaned, realizing her stupidity. [/color][color=#acece5]“Fucking hell.”[/color] [color=#cccccc]Rolling back into the Beverly Hills High parking lot on his skateboard just in time for the fans to invade the stadium, Adam blew the fire from his lungs and into the ebony night. The brief confrontation with Piper’s butler had left his blood boiling and his mind in chaos. He knew better than to pick fights, he always defended, always, never started. His mother was a damn lawyer for God’s sake he should have known not to get involved. But he could not abide the way the man was handling a girl a quarter his size. It just wasn’t right. Adam had to hope that Piper would convince her family not to press charges, he also hoped that she would take up his offer of spending time with him; he would really like that.[/color] [color=#cccccc]Kicking his board into his hand, the fighter dragged it tailside across the floor. He could hear several sounds in the distance and circling him like a September wind, none of which he really wanted to focus on right now. The cheers of a filling stadium, the laughs of students, Addie screaming at the top of her lungs that she’s selling illegal narcotics and then there was…[/color] [i][color=#acece5]Fucking hell.[/color][/i] [color=#cccccc]That voice cut through. [/color] [color=#cccccc]He looked up and bathed in light stood a single solitary girl, a cheerleader, a joint between her lips struggling to light it and her silhouette perfectly aligned in a frame as if painted by Michelangelo himself. Adam dropped the board and completely and swung his camera swiftly around from his waist and up to his face. He took aim and shot the image of the lonely girl, how could he not? It was a perfectly imperfect image. Picking up his board again, he made his way a few feet closer before pulling a lighter from his jean pocket and holding it up.[/color] [color=#82a989]“Here.”[/color] [color=#cccccc]Ivy lifted her head and turned to where the voice came from, her previously frustrated expression softening as she made eye contact with the boy, spotting the item she sought in his grasp. Wordlessly, she reached out towards him, their hands brushing ever so slightly as she took the lighter he offered. She nodded once, in thanks, before rolling her thumb along the wheel and igniting the spark, bringing the flame up towards the end of the white stick. It caught and she inhaled deeply, her shoulders relaxing almost immediately as she felt the smoke curl at the back of her throat. She reached up and removed the blunt from her full lips, exhaling. Addie was right, it did taste like pineapple. [/color] [color=#cccccc]The girl extended her arm, gingerly handing him back the lighter. [/color][color=#acece5]“Thank you,”[/color][color=#cccccc] She motioned with the blunt, [/color][color=#acece5]“You want?”[/color] [color=#82a989]“I’m good.”[/color] [color=#cccccc]Adam shook his head. He didn’t feel like he was in the right headspace to partake in brain altering drugs. Any other time and he would’ve likely said yes but he was nothing if not a creature of habit. When Adam deviated from his routine, even a single step out of the line, that had the potential to throw his entire day off and send him off balance. He, like any boy his age, loved to have a fun time and he knew how to let loose but doing so, without any examining the potential consequences was dangerous. Not just for Adam but for anyone around him. Unbalanced, he just wasn’t safe. [/color] [color=#cccccc]He took the lighter back and placed it back into his pocket. The martial artist knew this girl from school, if the colors of her outfit didn’t give it away. Ivy. Adam had seen her perform, in more than once sense of the word. There was a girl, a social butterfly, flapping her wings around school, attracting onlookers like a moth to her flame. Then there was the other girl, in the center of a crowded room, peacocks feathers awash in flickering embers as she danced the night, thrusting to burn out and fade away. [/color] [color=#cccccc]She was beautiful.[/color] [color=#acece5]“Suit yourself,”[/color][color=#cccccc] The girl shrugged and took another drag, turning her head and blowing the smoke in the opposite direction. She wasn’t an asshole, after all. If he didn’t want any, she wasn’t about to give it to him secondhand. Ivy glanced at him curiously. He looked vaguely familiar, she’d definitely seen him hanging around before, but no name was coming to mind. And for someone who knew a lot of things about a lot of people, that was intriguing in it of itself. [/color] [color=#cccccc]She smirked at him, [/color][color=#acece5]“So what’s your deal?”[/color][color=#cccccc] The dark haired girl challenged, [/color][color=#acece5]“Do you stand here and wait for lighter-less girls to fall into your lap? Or do you actually like football.”[/color] [color=#82a989]“Lighter-less girls, anyone who needs directions, that sort of thing.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Adam responded with a tilt of his head, his light brown bangs falling softly to the side. [/color][color=#82a989]“I’m not some sort of animal.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Jokes were not his specialty and even he had to admit that was probably a lame one. Maybe he did need that blunt after all? He reached into his trouser pocket once again, this time pulling out a joint of his own. Placing it between his finger tips, he held it aloft, the end gently caressing the point of Ivy’s and waited for it to light.[/color] [color=#cccccc]Although he could’ve used his lighter, something was telling him not to bother. As a moment stretched into eternity, Adam looked closely at the face before him and began swimming in her eyes. He wasn’t staring, gazing maybe? Now in the light and up close, no longer shrouded by shadow like in the photo he had captured mere seconds before, he could see that beautiful did not do this girl justice. No word had been invented or was at least in his vocabulary to describe the majesty of her and what he was seeing.[/color] [color=#82a989]“Hate football. Just here for friends.”[/color] [color=#cccccc]Ivy felt her breath catch in the back of her throat, taken by surprise as the boy moved closer. He was so mysterious… and yet, so bold? She felt the weight of his gaze and she welcomed it like an old friend, the way they stood there oddly intimate while waiting for his joint to ignite on her own. She relished in the way he looked at her with such intention and how his eyes seemed to dance over her skin. The dark haired girl dared lean in towards him, the distance between them growing even smaller. [/color] [color=#acece5]“Friends?”[/color][color=#cccccc] She inquired, a hint of mischief in her expression as she felt a haze begin to settle over her. [/color][color=#acece5]“We could be friends.”[/color] [color=#82a989]“Maybe.”[/color] [color=#cccccc]Adam knew what the word “friends” meant in Ivy’s circle. Friends here meant letting go, letting loose, allowing time and tide to carry you where it may. The thought of him and the cheerleader on an island somewhere, alone and shipwrecked, with only each other and the smile of the sun and the whisper of the waves to keep them company…was by no means a repulsive thought. Yet Adam also knew that allowing himself to open up, to free himself from the chains that he had chosen for himself could possibly lead to something that terrified him. [/color] [color=#cccccc]The joint in his fingers ignited between them in sparks but Adam almost didn’t notice as he found himself near lost in the woods of her eyes. The fighter brought the blunt to his lips and let it hang there, daring not to step away in fear of losing their intimate moment, their connection. His life had been absent of those for so long. He wondered if any he found could even be truly genuine. He hoped that by the way she was looking at him, that it was.[/color] [color=#82a989]“You want to be friends Ivy? Do you know my name?”[/color] [color=#cccccc]She let her eyes dip down to his lips as he placed the joint in between, raising an eyebrow as she heard her own name spill from them. He knew who she was, which, if she was being honest, wasn't all that surprising. But it now bothered her that she didn’t know him. A lot. Ivy brought her hand up and removed the white stick from her mouth, letting her fingers rest on the side of her cheek as she inclined her head [/color][color=#acece5]“No. But I’d like to.”[/color] [color=#c1473e]“fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck, YOU’RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR.”[/color] [color=#cccccc]Before Adam could get another word out, the repeated sound of a high pitched swear grew louder than the chants in the stadium. Turning his head away from Ivy, he saw Adelaide Davies Jones sprinting over parked cars like a mad woman out of an action B-movie. The pint sized drug dealer ran past the two of them for only a second before jumping back and looking up at the two taller students with a cheeky smile on her face.[/color] [color=#c1473e]“Y’all bout to fuck ain’t ya?”[/color][color=#cccccc] Addie began to swivel her hips as her big blue eyes stared at the pair. She may have been nearly eighteen but the drug dealer and aspiring botanist sometimes had the mind of a child. It was somehow both annoying and endearing at the same time. [/color][color=#c1473e]“You would have some hot ass babies. With the swishy hair and the sexy porcelain Chinese face and abs of granite…and ooooh mama…”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“ADELAIDE GET BACK HERE!”[/color] [color=#cccccc]A male voice called from somewhere in the steel jungle of cars. Addie stood to attention and mockingly saluted the two beautiful people before her. [/color][color=#c1473e]“Addie’s work here is done. Peace out.”[/color][color=#cccccc] She flashed two fingers before taking off once again towards the stadium. She was soon followed by their sociology teacher Mr. Fell, complaining about how out of shape he was.[/color] [color=#cccccc]After the whirlwind had ceased, Adam released his breath as he took a step back away from Ivy. [/color][color=#82a989]“We should probably get out of here before Mr. Fell realises that he just walked by us both with joints in our hands.”[/color][color=#cccccc] He picked up his camera once again and raised it up to his forest green eyes and began snapping away at the girl under the street light. [/color][color=#82a989]“I’d like to get to know this girl, not the one that they’re all about to see in there.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Adam motioned to the stadium behind him before peeking out behind the lens.[/color] [color=#cccccc]Ivy took another drag of her blunt and blew the smoke towards him, seemingly obscuring his camera’s view. [/color][color=#acece5]“That’s too bad.”[/color][color=#cccccc] She commented, [/color][color=#acece5]“They’re the same girl.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Her eyes began to glaze over, whatever Addie had given her began to have its effect. She looked around, the last remaining people had found their way to watch the game, which left the two of them effectively alone. [/color][color=#acece5]“Maybe you’ll get the chance tomorrow night.”[/color] [color=#82a989]“Maybe I will.”[/color][color=#cccccc] Adam softly placed his camera back down to his side and polished off the last of his weed before throwing it down and stomping out the remaining ember with the twist of his heel. He could say the soft waters begin to fill Ivy’s eyes and the strong scent of pineapple began to waft around them. She was losing herself in the moment, as was her right to do. He was sad that he would not allow himself the same pleasure. [/color] [color=#cccccc]He wondered if maybe they would cross paths again the following night, there was a party after all. Still, Adam also knew what he would be doing at that party, the same thing he always did. He would be trying to satiate the demon inside of him, he would be seduced by the subtle glow of violence and he would fight tooth and nail to alleviate his boredom and find someone, anyone, that could challenge him. He yearned for it. He needed it. He wondered if Ivy had anything inside of her like that.[/color] [color=#82a989]“Be seeing you, Ivy.”[/color] [color=#cccccc]The dark haired girl checked the time on her phone, she still had a few minutes to savor her smoke before heading into the stadium, so she stayed put. As the boy began to back away, though, she called out to him in an attempt to make him stop. [/color] [color=#acece5]“Hey! You didn’t tell me your name!”[/color] [color=#82a989]“I know!”[/color] [color=#cccccc]Adam called back and smiled as she reached out towards him, that was his second smile of the day. Once was a rarity, two times was something almost mystical. He wasn’t used to smiling; he didn’t hate it. Placing both hands in his pockets, the martial artist continued to back away from the cheerleader. As he slowly began to turn away completely, he yelled out to her once again. [/color][color=#82a989]“You didn’t tell me yours. Weird huh?!”[/color] [color=#cccccc]Adam ushered himself into the stadium, feeling the moment slip away as his mind returned to its stable state of being. For one that seeks clarity, today had only brought him chaos and strangely….[/color] [color=#cccccc]It was the good kind.[/color][/indent]