[color=8493ca][center][h2]Javal[/h2][/center][/color] [center][h3]??? - Forest[/h3][/center] Javal leapt back the bird came down upon the knight, who had volunteered herself to take the brunt of the blow. Evidently she was confident in her ability to withstand the bird's descent, and from the look of it, she had calculated correctly. Unfortunately, the metallic avian was now taking off with her in its talons. They couldn't let this thing carry off any of their companion to what would be almost certain death. They needed all the help they could get, and once that thing was finished with her, it'd come for the rest of them. Javal wasn't sure if they could kill it, but they needed to discourage this thing from trying to prey on them. The two pointy-eared companions moved to attack, the mage trying to ice its wings and the knife-wielder attempting to stab at it. With how heavily armored the bird was, it looked like their best bet would be to prevent it from taking off with their ally. Fortunately, as Javal knew all too well, there were many ways to hinder something's airworthiness. The former pilot dashed beneath the bird, keeping his halberd up to discourage it from bringing its beak down upon him. He then leapt onto the bird's tail, driving the top spike of his halberd into a massive metal tail feather. It might be metal, but he hoped it was thin (and perhaps soft, because surely something so nimble in the air wouldn't be encased head-to-toe in thick, hardened steel, right?) that his halberd would punch a hole into it. [@Thunder999999][@Expendable][@Crusader Lord]